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"Seriously, is this all you're bringing?" I sift through Isla's bag, which resembles more of a hiker's sack than luggage. Inside, I find what I would consider military staples: two pairs of generic-looking pants, a couple of tops, several pairs of underwear, and even a plain RANCH-style nightdress. All the items are plain and non-descript, mirroring her brother's style, albeit without the flannel.

Isla glances towards her pack, then to another black backpack she's currently zipping up, with one of her many laptops sitting snugly inside. She shrugs, seemingly unfazed by the contrast between her passion for IT and her minimalist wardrobe.

Blowing a raspberry, Ava laughs at my response from the adjoining bathroom, her head I can hear Ava from the adjoining bathroom, her head popping out and snickering at the exasperated look on my face. Shaking my head, I offer her a serene smile. "That's fine," I tell Isla, "but as your big sister, I'm now responsible for your wardrobe, and we're long-overdue for a retail therapy date."

"I don't need more clothes," Isla murmurs, moving around the bed as I take the small toiletries bag and pill bottle from Ava and begin to pack them. Turning the medicine bottle in my hand, I read the name, Teasoralphan.

"What do these do?" I ask, looking at the instructions and shaking the full bottle.

"Heat suppressants," Ava replies, handing me a hairbrush to also pack.

Turning to my BFF, I cock a brow, "girl, is that why you didn't get all hot, horny, and stuff before the Mountain?" I always wondered why Ava did not go into heat until she met Griffin.

"Yep, my parents started me on them when I was 13. They told me they were to regulate my cycle. I was even taking them when I met my mate. It seems that they don't work too well when you spend time with your Maité Fíor."

"But didn't you meet him well before your first heat?" Recalling their initial meeting when she was 13 and then again when she was 18, marking her to save her life.

"Correct, but we were only together for a few moments. Going back to the cabin, my Wolf made sure he spent more time with me, knowing he would be able to trigger my heat. Which neither Griffin nor I knew until after the fact." Grinning at me, she whispers, "it's like they're two people. My Wolf and my Mate don't always agree with each other on their methods, and I guess he was tired of waiting. God, I love him, both of them."

Absorbing her words, I smirk, "so, it's like being with two different men, huh?

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I recall last night and the intense experience with Liam. The first time was passionate and animalistic, clearly Fido's influence. The second time was gentler, more intimate. Liam?

"Exactly," she says, her gaze assessing me. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Blinking, I give her my best blank look.

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean," she teases, giving me a playful slap on the rear. I quickly avert my gaze and focus on packing. My lack of response earns me another light smack on the arm from her.

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus, I never thought I'd see the day when my cock loving friend, is actually speechless."

"It's not that I'm speechless," I glance at Isla, who's ignoring us and putting her red diary in her computer bag, before returning to Ava. "But it's a bit weird knowing that I just did the nasty with a man you also nearly screwed, not to mention was betrothed to my baby sister."

"Ah, that's all water under the bridge now," Ava dismisses with a grin, her dimples on full display. "Griffin, Liam, and I are actually getting along great. Liam's wolf apologized once he recognized that I was happily mated, and everything has been awesome ever since."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now