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I take the next exit off the motorway, veering my car onto the familiar main road leading to Black Mountain. Shay's van leads the way, and as the traffic lightens, my phone rings, displaying Alexei's name. He's worse than a helicopter parent. I sigh, accept the call and wait.

"You're behind schedule, мой маленький спитфайр," his words are curt, bored even. Gritting my teeth, I grip the steering wheel tighter.

"We got delayed," I bite my bottom lip. I know there's no point in asking how Alexei knows. Of course, he knows. He has a direct link to my car's sat nav and knows exactly where I am.


"I got my period," I offer, hoping my comment will make him uncomfortable enough to drop it.

"Your cycle should be at mid-ovulation, Princess. So try again, and this time the truth." OMG, is nothing sacred from this control freak!

"Seriously, Alexei, that's a whole new level of fucked up."

"Language. Now the truth. Don't make me ask you again."

I tap my nails on the smooth leather, deciding on a partial truth. "I'm struggling, Alexei," my voice reveals a slight tremor, which is also true. "I had to take a moment to get my shit together. It's getting hard knowing that this will be one of the last times I'll be just me, you know?"

"Princess," he speaks after a moment's pause, his tone softening, "it's for the best. Like me, not everyone can handle your spark. We're the same, and once bonded, we can be a safe place for each other."

Taking a deep breath, I begin counting backward from 10. I hate that he's right. Even though I've had multiple hookups, I've had to hold back each time, never able to be free with my... Gifts. "I know."

"Good. I want you to call me once you arrive at the cabin. And мой маленький спитфайр, remember, I have eyes everywhere." How can I forget? There's never a moment I don't feel them on me.

A thought pops into my head, an unsettling idea building in the pit of my stomach. "Alexei, does the pack know about me, about us? Because I need to know what to sa..." Before I can finish, he ends the call. "Asshole!" I shout to no one, then follow it up with a growl. All I wanted was a little heads-up to know what to say if any questions are asked. Why does he have to be such a controlling jerk?

As I cruise through the town of Black Mountain, a grin stretches across my face, and it's as if I'm gliding through Santa's enchanting village. The buildings, coated in a delicate layer of snow, showcase festive cheer with holly wreaths and fairy lights adorning their exteriors. Vibrantly colored ornaments dangle from the awnings of the shop fronts, swaying gracefully in the gentle breeze.

Navigating onto the Spur, my baby maneuvers through the slick frost with expertise, silently expressing gratitude to Alexei for arranging the switch to winter treads. Surveying the landscape, it's evident that a traditional Christmas awaits. The signs unmistakably manifest themselves not just along the road but also within the encompassing forest. The towering pine trees and silver birches stand adorned in a pristine white blanket of snow.

Despite our familiarity with the road, our small convoy slows as we navigate the twisting turns. I toot my horn when the GPS signals the turnoff to the cabin, informing the others of my departure.

Earlier at the Roadhouse, I conveyed Ava and the boys that I would drop my belongings off at the cabin before joining them for dinner at Griffin's treehouse. Both vehicles reduce speed as I turn off, and I wave to Ava and Griffin, smiling at them in my rearview mirror as they pass. Shifting my focus back to the unmade road ahead, I slowly guide my vehicle along the narrow, winding path leading to the cabin.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now