Chapter 15- Mrs. Tarantino?

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Kendall's POV

Now I know that I can't keep things going with Jordan. I have stronger feelings for Anthony. It's going to hurt me so much to break his heart. But I just can't keep going like this. It's not fair to either guy and it's not fair to me. I will hate it that I will most likely lose my friendship with Jordan because of this but it just has to be this way.

I call Jordan and after an hour of a very painful conversation, we end the call. It was very awkward. He cried and I cried but in the end we both agreed that we needed to break up. I hope he finds someone that makes him happy and cares about him, the way I do for Anthony. He deserves that.

I haven't told Anthony about this yet. I am going to surprise him later by going to his house and telling him, now that I know where he lives.

I spend the day catching up with my school work and watching some of my favorite movies. When it comes time for me to get ready to go over there, I suddenly become so nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? I shake these thoughts from my head and I get ready and head out the door to see Anthony.

I knock loudly at the door for a minute before I hear footsteps coming to answer it. As he opens the door, I see the most incredible sight I have ever seen. He stands there muscles bulging with no shirt on and his mesh shorts hanging dangerously low on his hips. I think he has a 12 pack not a 6 pack. I stare shamelessly at him with my mouth open, until his voice snaps me back to reality.

"Kendall, is everything ok?" He asks.

"Ummm...yes sorry. I came over here because there is something I wanted to talk to you about. Can I come in?" I ask.

He nods his head and we walk inside and he leads us up to his room. My memories from yesterday's events come flooding back to me and my face becomes flushed from embarrassment. He notices this and grabs my hands and pulls me down to sit next to him on the bed.

"Anthony, I came here to tell you..." before I can even get anything out he interrupts me.

"You aren't breaking things off with me are you? I mean I thought we had a good time together yesterday. I mean I had a really good time." He says with emphasis. I know he is referring to our little fool around session.

"What!? No I am not breaking up with you! I am actually trying to tell you that I broke things off with Jordan. I am choosing to be with you and only you." I tell him finally.

"What?" He asks his voice laced with shock.

"Yes, I actually called him a little while ago to tell..."

I start but don't get to finish as his lips crash into mine. His tongue grazes my bottom lip asking for entrance which I grant him and our kissing instantly becomes very heated. I break away for a moment to breathe and talk to him.

"Anthony, I care about you so much. I don't know why I am so drawn to you and why you make me feel the way you do, but you just do. I am falling hard for you. I just hope you don't break my heart." I tell him putting all my feelings out there and leaving myself vulnerable as hell.

I hope he doesn't break my heart.

"Kendall, you have no idea how I feel about you do you? Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I wanted you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me and you are smart and funny." He says to me.

He then kisses me urgently and I kiss him back with just as much passion. I suddenly remember that he is shirtless and I can't help but trace the lines of his muscles on his stomach as we kiss.

He groans, "Fuck Kendall. Do you know what you do to me?" He says.

God he is hot. We continue to kiss for a few moments, before we hear a gasp coming from the doorway of his bedroom.

Anthony is facing the door and looks up and yells, "Mom, what are you doing back so soon?" He looks at her panicked.

My face is red as a beet, but I know I have to face her sometime. It feels like my head goes in slow motion as I turn around to see her. What I was not prepared for was the person I saw when I turned around. I gasp as my eyes widen as wide as saucers and the words come out of my mouth in a whisper type shout..."Mrs. Tarantino?!"

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