CHAPTER 13: "Don't leave."

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"I'm afraid she won't be able to join you." Came a voice from behind while I was talking to Connor making me freeze completely.

Is this a dream? Or is he really here?

As I turned around, Rafael stood at a few distance looking straight at us. Honestly speaking I did not expect to see him here especially when I didn't ask him to come. But seems like he is the best person in my life.

He made his way towards us.

"Actually, the coming Tuesday we need to attend a function and being my wife, Hazel has to join me there."

Connor smiled at Rafael "That's fine. She can help me some other day maybe later this week and I don't think you'll have any problem."

"My apologies this week would be a bit difficult for her to join you."

I looked at Rafael totally confused. His eyes were still fixed on Connor with a light smile plastered on his lips but the smile did not feel good at all... on both the sides.

"May I ask why is that?" Connor asked with the same not so pleasant smile. It was like if there weren't any people around both of them would've killed each other.

"We would be a bit busy for this week, you know I have introduce the world to my wife. Maybe after that she can join you."

"Yeah sure. That can do."

Rafael then introduced himself "Rafael Martinez. I am the husband."

"Connor Campbell. A friend of Hazel."

Am I invisible? Because if I am not, both are ignoring me very badly.

"Okay, are we done with the introductions?" I asked looking between Rafael and Connor awkwardly.

"Yeah. Anyways I think I should leave now I have work to do." Connor said turning to me. "Since your husband is here you won't be alone anymore."

I smiled and nodded, we hugged each other then he pulling away I said "Thank you Connor, for coming."

"I think we were done with the coming thing. No more formalities."

"Bye. Take care."

"You too Haze."

He then extended his hand towards Rafael and said "It was nice meeting you Mr. Martinez."

Rafael shook his hand and replied "Likewise."

Connor left and I turned my attention to Rafael whose eyes were still fixed on the direction Connor just went. He was lost in some deep thoughts.

"You know that was really rude of you." I spoke drawing his attention towards me.

"What was?" He asked.

"The way you spoke to Connor. He is my friend Rafael."

"I don't like him and I am usually rude to the people I don't like."

I sighed.

"And my suggestion to you is stay away from him."

"And why do you think I would listen to you?"

"Because I am your husband. You should listen to me." He said looking in front sliding his hands in his pockets.

I bit my lips and muttered "Thank you."

"For reminding you, I am your husband, well welcome."

I rolled my eyes. "For coming here."

"A minute ago you were saying the same thing to him too."

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