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Wearing a bathrobe I came out of the washroom after taking a long bath, I removed the towel from my hair letting it down, stuffing headphones in my ear I played a song.

With the music I started swaying my hips dancing like a complete mess.

I mean you can't blame me this is the least crazy thing I am doing, staying locked up in the same house for 6 months anyone would go crazy and I am on the edge of losing my mind.

After dancing like a mess of course for 30 minutes I decided to control my emotions and seated myself on the couch taking deep breaths and once as everyday cursing Simon in my mind. Calming myself I got up from the couch and stood in front of the mirror admiring my beauty.

"You are getting more beautiful everyday Haze. Oh Sweet Jesus! Girls out there would be so jealous of me once I get out of this hell."

Well it's me doing this everyday. There is no one to admire me in this hell so why not do it myself.

After putting on some comfortable clothes, I sat on the bed busy searching my name on google and reading the reviews people had to give about my books. I like to read the comments but only if they are positive ones, the positive comments give me good vibes.

Currently I am working on my fifth book and soon it will be published too. I have got quite famous in just 2 years that's a very less time and I am really glad that everyone is liking my work.

There was a knock on the door, I looked up from the laptop to see Uncle and Aaron standing at the door. I gave them a light smile they came inside the room.

"Haze we have something to tell you." Uncle said and Aaron sat on the bed beside me.


"Just know that it was important Haze."

"What was?"

He cleared his throat then spoke again "Simon wants you to get married to his friend."

"Simon wants what?" I asked in confusion.

"You heard it correctly Haze. You have to get married."

"Are you all crazy? Why would I have to marry someone? I am just 24, it's too early and moreover you are asking me to marry someone whom I don't even know."

"It's important Haze. You have to help Simon in this atleast."

"I am not marrying any guy. I haven't even seen him."

"But you have heard about him, haven't you? He is Simon's friend. You know he is a nice guy."

"I don't care. He might be very good but I am not marrying some old guy."

"Haze you have to marry him. You have to do this for us. This deal with Rafael is important to Simon."

"Then ask Simon to marry him." I snapped at Uncle.

Aaron chuckled "Well sisty it would've been a very good suggestion if both were gay unfortunately your brother and your future husband both are so straight."

I threw a pillow at him.

"I am not marrying anyone."

Uncle sat on the bed beside me and gave me his phone "Talk to Simon once."

I glared at him but took the phone from him.

"What?" I answered irritated.


"I am not marrying him Simon, don't even try to convince me."

He sighed "This deal is really important for my business Haze and it's the only way that I am left with or I would've never forced you to do something against your wish."

A Deal in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now