Tre's POV (Ch. 3)

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Warning: This chapter contains a lot of foul and perverse language.


Fucking hell.

I didn't want to do this tonight. Usually, I like going to parties and getting completely shit-faced and high off my ass until I am completely numb. I always enjoy the buzz and rush of endorphins throughout my body, it's a comforting feeling for me.

Alcohol and smoking are some of my coping mechanisms, they've been for a while now. I started drinking in high school and tried smoking one night when other guys in the neighborhood were fucking around. They handed me a blunt and told me to try it. I did and was hooked ever since. I can't go a day without having some form of a drink and smoke. They help me forget about the shit that's constantly shooting through my brain. Some may call it an addiction, I just call it a needed lifestyle.

Fucking some random girl also helps too. There's always someone else who's looking for a distraction.

The same scenario usually always happens when I go to parties. In high school, it was parties on the East Side. Like your typical adolescent shitheads who have no idea what the fuck they're actually doing, nor do they give two shits about getting caught. We would get blackout drunk and not remember all the shit we did and who we did it with. In college, it's nearly the same scenario, just as older shitheads and idiots. But it usually happens the same way.

I'll first lock eyes with another girl and then it's the same shit that happens every single time. It'll start with a few glances. She'll look at me with her flirtatious eyes and I'll have a smirk plastered on my face to let her know I'm attracted and interested in her. A few minutes later I'll either approach her first or she'll approach me if she's confident. Everything happens pretty quickly after that. A short conversation that's nothing more than an ice breaker to see if there is a good vibe between us. Then we might "dance," grinding for a few songs to sober up.

I never approach girls if I am too drunk or high to remember my name. If they appear the same way, I won't approach them at all. I learned this the hard way.

I was so irresponsible and stupid as a teenager, not caring about protecting myself or the girl. After they gave consent, I'd fuck them and then only think about getting myself off. I didn't care about anything else. I only thought with my dick and he was selfish. But not anymore. After a scare late into my senior year of high school, a girl I barely remember hooking up with told me she had missed a period, only to have it come a few weeks later. It made me grow some balls and realize how much of a prick I was being. I also was forced to realize just how dangerous all of my previous sexual experiences could have turned out to be. I had acted so wrong and careless. I was a fucking bastard. I wish I could take those times back and forget about them all. I was so fucking reckless.

I told myself that I would not make those immature mistakes again. Sex is not only for me but for her too. And clarity is very important during sex. I will only fuck when we're both sober, or a little tipsy at the most. We both need to have coherent thoughts and decisions.

Going to college was, in a sense, a fresh start for me and my antics. Sort of. The same type of scenario followed me with different girls, but now I'm smarter and more safe and considerate. I can still think with my dick, but I also have my common sense too.

Sex is fun, meaningless fun. That's all it is for me. Nothing more, nothing less.

If I meet a girl I'm attracted to and we decide to fuck, I never bring her back to my place. I always go to hers. When she asks to go to mine, I immediately kiss her and then ask where she lives, trying to make her forget what she originally asked.

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