Bonus chapter 🎯

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Warning: smut, BDSM.

Taehyung purposely spent a longer time in the nursery that day.

Not that he didn't love his job enough to stay back longer everyday but today was a rather different occasion. He was trying to avoid going back home earlier.

And it was because of the argument he had with Jungkook that morning.

Five years had passed with them being in a relationship, him and Jungkook. Five years of love and care, romance and responsibility, but that didn't mean the love-y couple didn't have their own share of arguments and fights. They did that too and in just like any other relationship, had their moments of differences.

"I told you, you are not going to deliver flowers to Kai's wedding! Is it so hard for you to understand Taehyung?" Jungkook barked, looking at his boyfriend through the mirror angrily, as he fixed his tie to get ready for work.

"Jungkook it's a just a job consignment! Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?" Taehyung replied in irritation, flipping through a few work files.

"Big deal? I'm making a big deal out of nothing you say?" Jungkook growled lowly, turning to face a sitting Taehyung,"need i remind you who Kai is and what he did to you?"

"You don't hyung," Taehyung sighed, getting to his feet and reaching the elder in an attempt to calm him down,"but you know he isn't the same anymore. He sincerely apologized to me and i forgave him. I seriously don't want to make things complicated and take them to my grave when i don't have to." He tried to make him understand but Jungkook was having none of it.

"You forgave him but what about me? The things he did to me...? To us? Is it so easy for you to forget them?" Jungkook looked hurt.

"There's a difference between forgiving and forgetting hyung. I haven't forgotten anything, i just moved on and i want you to do the same. Besides its been 8 years... i dont care about him. I want to take up the job for our nursery Jungkook." The brunet reasoned again, reaching up a hand to cup the ravenette's cheek but the latter slapped his hand away, teeth gritting in his mouth.

"I don't want to hear anything, you will NOT deliver any flowers do you hear me?" The older ordered with finality and stepped away, trying to walk out of the room to end the conversation but stopped upon hearing Taehyung's firm response.

"This is my first big consignment in months hyung. I can't afford to let it slip. I don't care if it's Kai or someone else, i am taking this job."

Taehyung sighed at the memory of the heated argument. He didn't want to fight with Jungkook over someone as trivial as Kai. But he couldn't help himself either.

Since the time Taehyung found his new business and was also given the responsibility to run the house with the money earned from it, the brunet was under a different kind of pressure. Call it the bane of self reliance, his job had kept the 23 year old always on his toes, to grab and lock any opportunity that would bring money and more business.

Not only that, but this new flower nursery and additional flower shop he owned had given Taehyung a sense of independence, a sense of self worth. He would work all day to take care of his plants and satisfy his customers then return home with trinkets but a full heart, both of which he used to look after the elder who was busy with his studies and assignments.

Nursing flowers had become Taehyung passion, his identity, his everything-- beside Jungkook ofcourse. So when three years later, Jungkook graduated and took over the artclub and their finances paid up well, Taehyung couldn't just leave his job behind.
Jungkook didn't even ask him to.

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