Love story

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A/n: Just a heads-up - The first part takes place on the day Taehyung is supposed to be executed. Namjoon hasn't been informed of it yet.

Loud obnoxious laughter filled the conference room in Jeon's new residence followed by a few hearty chatters and delicate glass rims clinking against each other.

"Oh Jeon Jeon Jeon-!! That's why i like doing business with you." A short middle-aged man, dressed in a neat three pieced suit with a yellow complexion and small bright eyes laughed gently, shaking his head from side to side.

"You definitely have a unique way with your words," he complimented, throwing a glance at the pretty woman, sitting beside him," what do you say darhina?"

"Absolutely!" His wife gushed, nodding her head along with her husband ,"You're a very interesting man Mr. Jeon, it's almost a shame we were introduced so late."

The said boss pressed a smile at her kind words, leaning against the back of his chair and looking over at Namjoon who smiled back approvingly.

"Well the credit goes to you for taking your time out for this short noticed friendly visit my dad arranged." Jungkook said, regarding them with nothing but respect. "And as for the introduction, honor is all ours actually seeing as you're the ones ruling over the most of pacific trade these days."

And it was true. This particular Japanese mafia couple sitting in front of him were no less than a pioneer in the field of illegal weapon trading, along with being surprisingly generous finance donors as well. One could even call them philanthropists, that is if philanthropists went around smuggling drugs and lethal weapons around the world.

Together the two had constructed a global empire all by themselves, based on the foundation of trust that they had upon each other and eventually learned to share with the rest of their kingdom as well. Jungkook and his men had always looked upto them.

Aiko Sato laughed again, his voice sounding lighter than one would expect from such a powerful man.

"Would you look at that! The boy's all grown up now." Jungkook blushed at the tease in the elder's tone, mainly out of embarrassment than anything else. With these two in the scene, he appeared like a kid and not some mafia leader himself.

"That's true, i mean just look at his face? So handsome! Must have gotten used to so much attention from young girls and boys, don't he?" The older woman went on. Mr. Sato grabbed her shoulder, shaking his head at her before smiling up at the boy.

"Don't mind my wife young man, she can be pushy sometimes." Mrs. Sato gasped at her husband, shrugging his hand off her before a pout replaced her lips.

"Oh no, its okay Sir, Madam," Jungkook smiled at the lively couple, Namjoon doing the same as they bent to place their empty cups on the teapoy.

"So you don't mind us asking about your love interests then?" The older man smirked, a humorous intent to tease the boy but missed the way his words hit the younger leader, the smile abruptly falling from his lips.

"Mmm~ even i want to know! I've gotten all bored and wrinkly hearing your age old stories of gun deals and all," the older woman frowned, feigning annoyance," Yah! Jungkook-ah tell us if you have a girlfriend or not!!"

The few other associates accompanying the couple broke out into small smiles and chuckles, pinning their attention onto the young boss, their own interests peaked about the Jeon's mystery queen.

But Jungkook sat frozen on his ottoman, muscles stiffening a little underneath his expensive clothing. Namjoon threw a glance at the younger, wondering what got him so quiet all of a sudden.

Fast draw 🎯 Vkook MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora