Aren't you bored of me?

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By the time the group reached their destination, which was way outside the city and along its less popular outskirts, it was already evening.

They stopped in front of a grey medium sized building, nothing too showy, with a tall scaffolding on the left side. The place looked abandoned and nothing too suspicious, save for the numerous cartons and crates stacked in the open areas beside it, all stamped with a red J symbol.

Taehyung was the first one to step out of the car, his eyes looking up and around the shady place. He was honestly expecting better from a well known and established mafia group but it also made sense that their hideout wasn't going to be eye catching. He spotted several CCTV cameras scanning the dimly lit area, small red lights continuously beeping as they passed by the corners and climbed up the scaffold.

Two bulky men standing at the iron gates, tipped their chins and moved out of the way for the members to pass, not before lifting a questioning brow at Taehyung's small frame tagging behind. He was glad they didn't seem to want to frisk him or anything, because he was quite sure that would hurt.

The inside didn't look as bad. There were bright tube lights lining the long corridors that meadowed endlessly before breaking into several channels of more corridors. Each had a busy thoroughfare of all sorts of people, irrespective of race, color, nationality or gender. Crime really had no grounds to discriminate people, not when it was what united them.

Seokjin showed Taehyung to his new room, and left him alone for the time being, saying he had some important work and that his dinner would be sent in. He was instructed to freshen up and lie down or the jetlag would get to him, but Taehyung didn't really feel like doing anything.

Nevertheless he slugged under the shower and rinsed himself, his mind going back to everything that happened within three days.

It was almost comical to him, the turn of events in his once boring life. The once boring life that now seemed to a hazy dream he left miles behind.

He used to be so happy, or something along the lines atleast, when he lived alone and went to work in his own department. The officers knew him too well, seeing as they'd seen him grow up and had friendly connections with his father. He couldn't believe it was the same people who turned against him to hide their own mistakes.

It made him sad. Very sad.

Apart from that his new unwelcomed life was all to overwhelming for the little brunette. He had to leave his country behind, his people... Even though they betrayed him. It was too much to process.

Taehyung knew the main reason for his predicament were actually these mafia men. They lighted the capitol and kidnapped him, causing his whole world to flip but he still held them less accountable than his own men in the police force.

Well they were the mafia after all and it's what they did. Bad things.

But weren't the police supposed to be the good guys? The heroes for the common people? Weren't they supposed to be Just and helpful instead of being cowardly and contriving? Selling off their own teammates to save face?

What did that make him them? Wasn't he himself one of them?

Taehyung didn't want to think about it anymore.

He scrubbed his scrawny hands and his mind again wandered back to what the short black haired spiteful guy told him in the plane... And also in the car earlier. While he ignored the part where he was accused of being a spy- which was nothing but natural since he was infact from the police, he couldn't help but think about Jimin calling him ugly.

Well he didn't really call him that but he got the memo anyway.

Taehyung always thought he was ugly. He looked different than others, had a weird smile that people often pointed out back in his village school and he had to wear thick glasses for poor eyesight. He thought so until he met Jungkook in the questioning room that fateful evening.

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