Mobilization - 10Yrs BTA

143 11 18



Agon sat on his perch atop a building made of white marble. His golden scales glimmered in the rising sun. His tail lashed back and forward with uneasy trepidation. The voices of hundreds of thousands of dragons surrounded him, each expressing their excitement or fear in different ways. Millions of golden scales dragons occupied the usually white streets and covered the white buildings. Many still glided and hovered in the air above him, looking for a place to land in the crowd below. Hisses and growls were shared as tails were stepped on and horns accidentally interlocked.

"Glad we got out here early," the drake to Agon's side said, looking at the commotion below.

"Definitely," Agon agreed, feeling the thump of his heartbeat rise as he looked out over the city to the palace standing gloriously in the distance.

"So... you excited? We finally get to teach those shadow dragons a lesson," the drake continued with savage glee.

Agon glanced at him, "Teach 'em a lesson ha?"

"Yes! I'm looking forward to tearing some scales out and cooking them alive."

"They'll be fighting back you know."

"Ah, with our alliance, they won't stand a chance."

"We're fighting the mental nation as well."

"I'm not. I'm heading to shadow front."


"Well, then we get to kill some shadow dragons together!"

Agon let out a snort, looking at the rising sun again. Soon, it would be time. Part of him struggled to believe that nearly the entirety of the light nation had been mobilized. Over a hundred million dragons sent to attack two different fronts. An army large enough to blot out the sky with golden brilliance. But despite their numbers, Agon felt despair in his heart. The enemies they were facing were just as strong, just as numerous. He wasn't a fighter, and he didn't hate the dragons they were battling against. He didn't want this war. But he was in the minority, and he had a duty to his nation to fight when ordered to do so.

He clenched his talons against his perch, watching the horizon as the dragons near the castle suddenly launched into the air, following the large light drake that was their king. As their ruler passed over them more dragons leaped into the sky with a flap of their wings. A cacophony that was only matched by Agon's pulsing heart. With a rumble he launched into the air, feeling the finality of the situation shroud him as he did.

* * *

"There is an awful lot of them," Archyal said, watching from the safety of his forest, relying on the shadows to hide his black scales.

In the distance he could see what looked like a plane of red and yellow. Fires had burned away much of the forest on that side, giving room for the countless number of dragons to gather. It was like a sea of dragons, each curled up in groups of eight with fires smoldering in the middle. Fire, lightning, and chaos. It had been centuries since an army of this size had been able to mobilize. This wasn't even the entire army.

"I'd have thought they were sent more to the mental nation," Archyal's partner said, flicking her tail back and forth anxiously.

"Same. Though maybe they are putting more attention here, so they are able to take over our kingdom quickly, before putting more pressure up north," the shadow drake said thoughtfully.

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