Clashing Powers - 3Yrs BTA

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The horizon was burning. A line of red that stretched as far as the eye could see in each direction, as though it circled the entire world. Heat rolled over the usually icy cold savanna, dry tufts of grass bursting into flames. The snow atop the mountains had long since melted, leaving trickling streams running down cliff faces and hills. But replacing the snow were scales. Icy blue, creamy white, forest green, and more. Millions of dragons, grasping cliff faces, perching atop mountain peaks, rustling and growling with increasing agitation, their scales lit by the steadily approaching red wall of fire.

"So she did it... of course she did," Polliar, queen of the sky, spoke, her voice calm and collected, but with a shade of despair.

Ingun, her second in command, an ice dragon with pale blue scales and a spiky frill of horns on his head, nodded solemnly, his own anguish palatable to her own. They had thought they would be at least protected from that direction, as where the red wall of fire was now had once been the largest and most deadly mountain range in the world, dubbed as the Living Mountains. Many that entered died, seeming to have been crushed by sentient rock and crushed by mountains whose peaks broke through the sky. But they were gone now, reduced to molten rock by a wall of living fire that burned its way rapidly toward them.

"I've gathered our elite, your majesty," the ice drake spoke to his queen, "58 dragons of equilibrium of a mixture of ice and wind, with an extra 43 spared by the other species."

They hadn't expected this attack to come so quickly and had been ill-prepared to fight back. It could take weeks for reinforcements to come from the earthen and water nations. If they were lucky they would maybe only last a couple of days against the wave of fire heading in their direction.

"So few?" sighed the queen, "How many of them are water dragons?"

"Eleven your majesty. We also have eight acid dragons and 27 ice dragons who can support them," Ingun replied factually, hardening his resolve.

"It may not be enough," Polliar responded sadly.

"Maybe we'll be lucky and she didn't bring any dragons of equilibrium with her," replied the ice drake, looking for some optimism.

"You know as well as I do how little difference that will make to our chances."

"Even so, your majesty, we can't despair," Ingun responded, "If we don't stop her here..."

"I'm well aware of the consequences if we lose," growled Polliar, sitting up straighter and taking a deep breath, "Have the hatchlings, their caretakers, injured, and humans been evacuated?"

"Yes, your majesty."

She let out a sigh, "Good."

"I have all the elite in the canyon below... I will be joining the first wave. I think we should leave you back. If she makes it past our first defence, we will need your power if we have a chance at holding her back," Ingun said, "I'll leave twenty-five equilibria with you... just in case."

"Splitting our forces may not by wise Ingun."

"In this case, I disagree. Having multiple waves of elements to break through will exhaust her. If we tried all at once, she could overwhelm us with a push of power. This forces her to break through multiple easier waves... and will require much more effort."

Polliar looked down at her second in command, before nodding her head. He could see she wanted to fight. She didn't want to sit and wait for the enemy to come to her. But she was the strongest among them, and if she fell the army would lose heart. If she fell, their chance of finding victory would go from unlikely to impossible.

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