The Essence of Equilibrium - 11Yrs BTA

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Zay'ues sat on his haunches, staring at the horizon as though it was all there was of the world. Thunder rumbled in the overcast sky above him, the clouds as black and somber as his mood. There was still blue sky in the distance, turning the storm into its own island, as it gathered around the head of the drake. His blue and green mattered scales were pristine to the point that they took on the grey reflection of the sky above him, where lightning flashed with his thoughts, and wind howled with the flick of his tail.

"Honey!" the voice broke him out of his stupor, as he turned around to see a dragoness approaching from a hole carved into the plateau he had sat himself on, "Would you mind turning off the storm? It's making the hatchlings a little anxious."

"Oh, sorry," he looked to the sky, and with a simple breath of will, the stormy clouds faded away, leaving the sky painted orange in its sunset.

The dragoness gave him a small smile, before walking over and sitting down next to him, "Still worried, huh?"

He nodded his head, "I'm surprised you have remained so calm."

"I've just been better at hiding it," she chortled, amused, "One of us has to be."

"And I love you eternally for it," he responded with a smile, before sighing again, "I'm just trying to figure out a way to prevent it you know. No one wants to be thrown into the second Ashen wars."

"That might not be up to us."

"I know... but maybe... if we just give her what she wants... maybe it wouldn't end up as bad as the last one."

"And let her slaughter an entire species of dragons?" the dragoness tilted her head at her mate.

"Maybe not let her... but not stand in her way either. Her anger is not directed at us."

"The spirit dragons are part of our nation as well Zay'ues. We can't let them face this all on their own. They would be annihilated by the combined forces of Athaer and Lumiane. The shadow dragons might be able to hold out. But the spirit dragons... they have rather low numbers as it is. And you know that the king and queen won't stand idly by either."

"Always speaking truth, you are," he turned and gently nuzzled her head, "I know we will have to fight... I guess I'm just hoping that it all comes to nothing in the end. Maybe, as you said, Athaer is just trying to scare us."

The dragoness nodded with a snort, "She knows that the moment she makes the move that the rest of the dragon world will be against her. She may be a formidable dragon herself but even she doesn't have the power to face armies larger than her entire nation."

"At least the entire mental nation. I don't know if the other nations would be happy about going to war again."

"If they don't want war they should make sure that any that do exist end as quickly as possible."


The two sat in silence for several moments.

"Oh, a messenger came by today. He wanted to talk about the new dragon of equilibrium... ah... Skyla? She is still tucked away in her cave."

He gave a solid nod, "Yes, I know. I've just had a few more pressing matters to deal with at the moment."

"More pressing matters? Zay'ues, we are on the precipice of war. I think bringing another dragon of equilibrium into the ranks would be incredibly important right about now."

He opened his mouth to argue but quickly shut it again as he realised she had a good point.

"Besides, the poor thing is probably beside herself with guilt. Her best friends and mate died when she reached the breaking point. She would need someone that knows how that feels."

Chronicles From the End of an Ageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن