The Price of Loyalty - 20Yrs BTA

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A cold white mist slowly pushed past the fabric door of a balcony opening, slowly pushing into the ashen black castle with the patience of a cloud. The chamber inside was dark besides the glowing streams of moonlight pushing through the same fabric, sending silver beams of light into the room. In the middle of one of those streams lay a red dragon, curled up tightly within his velvet nest of blankets and pillows. He stirred restlessly as the mist passed over him, almost seeming to reach down and touch the top of his snout.

The drake's eyes snapped open with a rumble, blinking in confusion. He slowly raised his head, looking around his sleeping chamber in confusion. As his eyes fell on the curling white mist he went still, a low rumbling shaking his throat. The white mist seemed to respond to this noise, curling around itself as though alive, and from the mist solidified another dragon. One with pure white scales that glowed softly in the light of the moon.

The red drake narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "Dialn? What are you doing here?"

The white drake smiled in response, "Vitto, it's been a while."

Vitto got to his feet, glancing at the other fabric door that was covering the inner entrance to his chambers.

"It's late," Dialn said, noticing his nervous glance, "The likelihood that anyone would be passing by here is low at best."

"It's still possible," responded the red dragon with a huff, "Could you at least take on the form of a fire dragon?"

"Aah, always the cautious one. I've been a fire dragon for at least a week. It feels good to get the opportunity to stretch as what I truly am," Dialn responded with a slight smirk, stretching out and flapping his glittering wings.

Vitto snorted, "You didn't answer my original question. What are you doing here?"

The white dragon took a moment to look around the other drake's chambers, "Oh, Elder Eledior sent me."


"Yes. She wants you to come back to the conclave, effective immediately."

"What? Why? My report isn't due for another couple of months."

"She is relieving you of your position."

It took a couple of moments for Vitto to respond, "What!?"

"Yep. She thinks the near... what... thirty years you've been here has been good enough to get you experienced with infiltration. She has some other things she needs of you now."

"But... but..." Vitto hesitated a moment as Dialn looked at him with a tilted head, "It'll be quite difficult to get another spirit dragon into this position."

"Oh, I know. I've been studying you for the past week and you have really ingrained yourself into here's royal family, far beyond what I think even Eledior even expects. But those are her orders."

Vitto sat down on his haunches, his tail flicking back and forth in anxious movements, looking down at his talons.

Dialn frowned at his reluctance, "I thought you would be happy. You get to finally be yourself again. You know, wear your white scales. Have a bit of a chance to relax without the worry of being caught."

"I... I know," Vitto replied, "It's just..."

When the red dragon didn't continue Dialn pressed on, "It's just what?"

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