Chapter 59

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The couple had their dinner by the beach. The white sand under their feet, and clear sky and bright stars above them. It was a romantic dinner. Or... it should have been, if not for the endless phone call from Tom and the people in Uni Infinitus. Viola checked her watch. It was still working hour back in Bellfield. While Leon was still talking on the phone, she took the time to stroll around the beach. She enjoyed the night breeze by the sea. She remembered how Walter used to accompany her on her night stroll after dinner back then. She glanced at Leon who was still on the phone. How things had changed... she turned her head back to where the sea was. The same sea she saw from the window of her old room. She would daydream while gazing at the sea, thinking about her future. She never thought she would leave Mir. Well, she would not have left if...

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by someone calling her name from behind. It was Leon.

"Is there something wrong?" Leon asked. She looked lost, he thought.

Viola shook her head. She turned to Leon and hugged him. "Let's visit my mom tomorrow."


Blue Garden was Julia Ernest's final resting place. It was located at Henning Hill, the highest point of Mir city – a memorial garden overlooking the sea. Visitors walked up a flower-bordered path leading up to the top. The path was not steep nor was it a very long one but it took both Leon and Viola 40 minutes to reach the garden. Leon noticed how Viola's pace were slowing down as they got closer to the top.

"Don't force yourself." Leon said as he put his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm okay... but as I thought, it still feels weird to come here..." Viola laughed softly.

She pulled herself away from Leon and started walking forward, looking to her left and right. It had been almost a year since the last time she came here with her father and Ian. Her memory was blurry. She could not even remember what they did that day. She was still in shock.

"Where was it again..." She mumbled as she walked.

"It's surprisingly quiet here." Leon commented.

"This is a cemetery you know." Viola laughed.

"No, I mean there aren't many who are buried here."

"Umm... yeah. Most people here prefer to be cremated upon death and their ashes thrown to the sea. It's cheaper, I guess?" Viola explained.

Leon did not say anything. He just followed Viola from behind.

"It should be somewhere here..." Viola mumbled again as she checked names engraved on each headstone. There were hundreds of them, lining up on different levels, each with a walkway for visitors in front of them.

"It's further away. Follow me." Leon moved to the front and led the way.


Leon stopped in front of a marble slab located in the center of the row. He crouched down and cleared away the wilted flowers on top of it, revealing the name of the deceased. Viola who came behind Leon watched him in amazement.

"If you are curious how I know this is your mom's..." Leon said calmly as he placed new fresh flowers to replace the one before. "I came here before. Twice."

Viola was stunned at the revelation. Leon got up and turned to her. "Come."

"When did you..."

"I'll leave you alone here for a while." He patted her shoulder and walked away.


Viola touched her mother's name on the stone. "I'm sorry that I took so long to visit you." She recalled the day her life was turned upside down. "How are you? Dad and I... we are alright now. Dad's office is back running. We are safe and..."

She flashed the wedding ring on her finger to the burial in front of her. "As you can see, I'm married now. Well, not to Walter as what you might have expected." Viola glanced at Leon, who was sitting alone not far from her – his finger scrolling on his mobile's screen. "I married him... The man just now. You've probably seen him. He said he came here before."

Viola cast her eyes over to the newly replaced flowers. "He... is the man I love now."


Leon's phone rang and he picked up the call as soon as he saw the caller ID.

"What is it?" He looked at his wristwatch. "Why are you awake in the middle of the night, Tom?"

Tom explained something over the phone. Leon shifted his posture and listened further. His interest was piqued. "Are you sure about that?"

Tom said the information was reliable. Leon rubbed his eyebrow. "Fine. I will confirm it on my own. I'll call you again." He ended the call and turned to where Viola was. He saw her walking towards him. Her eyes were red.

He got up and went to her. "That was quick."

Viola smiled. "I've said what I wanted to."

Leon patted her head. "If you say so."

"Let's go have lunch. Can I go to Nora's place after that? I won't be long. Ummm... you can go somewhere else if you don't want to come with me." She was hesitating whether it was wise to ask Leon to accompany her. He was not hostile towards the pair but he did not particularly like them either.

"Of course, I'll come with you. I want to see them too." He smiled again, but in an unusual way.

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