Chapter 44

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Ian was surprised when Lawrence, his head attendant, told him Viola was on the phone looking for him. He was sitting in his reading room with Rose and Valentina, the two turtles on his laps. He wondered why his daughter in law was looking for him. It was unusual. He ordered Lawrence to transfer the call. Ian picked up the receiver at the first ring.

"Viola?" Ian called her name happily. "What a rare occasion! How are you doing?"

Viola did not reply. Ian could hear background noises from the other side. He sensed something amiss in the atmosphere. "Hello? Viola? Are you there?"

"M... Mr. Oliver..."

Ian did not bother to correct the way his daughter-in-law addressed him. "Are you okay? Where are you now?" He could hear the loud sound of cars honking from the other side. Downtown area.

"Did Leon..." Viola could feel her chest tightened. Her voice was shaking. "Is it true that Leon helped searching for Eugene? And... causing problem to the Mir Islands Project?"

Ian was perplexed. "What are you saying?" Ian was surprised to learn that Viola knew about the project. He never thought Leon was the type to share his work stuff with his wife.

"Please tell me the truth!" His son's wife sounded desperate.

Ian paused. He let out a sigh. "Yes. He did tell me about his plan. Look, it's not as bad as you think. I'm sure Leon can handle..." Ian tried to reassure her. He did not know how Leon had explained the situation to Viola. "How about you come here now? I'll ask Leon to come here too. The three of us can talk..."

"I'm... I'm sorry... Mr. Oliver. My father and I, my family, had caused you and Leon... so much trouble..." Viola apologized from the other side of the call.

"Viola..." Ian sighed.

"I... I'll hang up now. Thank you for everything... Dad." Viola said softly and hung up the call.

Ian felt uneasy. With the receiver still in his hand, Ian quickly made another call.


Leon was about to leave his office when his secretary, Mia, called and told him his wife had come to see him earlier, leaving a message that she would come back again later after work. Leon glanced at his watch. It was almost six.

"I'll go to her myself. Thank you." Leon walked into the elevator.

As the automatic doors closed, Mia remembered she forgot to mention the cake left in the pantry.


"She had left?" Leon repeated what Rana, the florist, told him.

"More like, she did not return after her lunch break." Rana scratched her head. "She just messaged me she has something to do. Maybe she has some plans." She smiled meaningfully. Viola had told her about Leon's birthday.

Leon exited the florist and took out his phone. No new messages, no missed calls. He frowned. She did not come back to his office. He thought she was busy with her work but she was not even in her workplace?

"Madam has left, Sir?" Tom asked as he drove. He glanced at his employer from the rear-view mirror.

"Apparently." Leon replied without looking up. His eyes were glued to his phone. His fingers tapping the screen furiously. After typing a few words, he hesitated for a while, erased the whole thing and retyped again. He clicked Send and threw his phone beside him.

"Ahh, I almost forget. The Chairman was looking for you, Sir. He said he wanted to tell you something."

Tom continued his report but Leon was not listening. His mind was elsewhere.



Viola was sitting alone in a park when a message came through her phone.

You are late. I'm going home.

Her lips curved upward slightly but her eyes were sad. I'm sorry, Leon...

"Madam! You are finally home! Young master has been looking for you." Maria ran to her mistress as she saw Viola came into the house. Maria noticed Viola's puffy red eyes.

"Did... something happen? Did someone hurt you?" Maria asked, and in an instant her face changed color. "It's that vicious friend of young master again, isn't it?? I am telling..."

Viola covered the angry maid's lips with her palm in panic. "Shhh!! Maria! Nadia can hear you!!" She whispered. After making sure no one was around, she lowered her hand.

Maria clicked her tongue.

Viola smiled weakly and took her hands. "Calm down. No one hurt me." In fact, it's the other way round, Viola thought. "Is Leon home?" Viola tried to change the subject.

Maria nodded. "Young master is upstairs. He told us to let him know when you have returned." Her eyes pointing at the second floor.

"I'll see him now. Good night, Maria." Viola walked towards the large staircase in the middle of the room, leaving Maria behind, looking worried at her.

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