Chapter 32

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After his call went unanswered, Tom turned to Leon. "Sir, I don't think..."

Leon held his hand up to stop Tom from talking. He moved a few steps away to pick up the call.

"..." There was no one talking from the other side. Faintly, Leon could hear the sound of a chair moving.

"Where is my wife?" Leon asked directly.

"She's here." The reply came after a short pause. "Sleeping."

"If you touch her..." Leon threatened the caller.

The woman laughed. "I'm not scared of you, Mr. Oliver." On the other side of the phone, Nora walked to where Viola was lying on the floor. She crouched down and sat on her heels, looking at Viola. Viola's phone was still connected to Leon.

"What do you want, Miss Tellsa?" Leon asked.

Nora did not answer. So Leonard Oliver knew who she was, she thought.

"Where is she now!" Leon was half-shouting to the phone now.

The call was switched to a video-based call. "Don't speak so loud or you will scare her." Nora turned the camera to herself. Leon moved his phone away from his ear. He could now see a red-haired woman on the screen, talking to him.

"She is here." The camera moved to a figure lying on the floor. Leon felt he could crush his phone with one hand. He saw Viola curling up with her hands and leg tied. Her face was red with a few bruises. Nora muted her speaker.

Leon turned to his assistant and gave him a signal. Tom left hurriedly to make an emergency call.

Nora saw Leon trying to call Viola. "Scream all you want. She won't hear you." Nora spoke as she shook Viola's body.

Viola opened her eyes slowly. She did not feel well. She had been sleeping on the cold floor for the whole night. "What... do you want?" She spoke slowly. Her lips were still hurting from the cut.

"I hate you." Nora said without emotion.

"Walter and I... we have... nothing to do with each other... anymore." Viola tried to convince her captor.

"And you think I'll believe you?" Nora asked in a mocking tone. She pulled Viola up. Viola was now sitting with her back leaning against the wall.

"Are you... going to... kill me?" Viola asked Nora. Her face looked tired.

Nora laughed. "Are you scared?"

Viola shook her head slowly. "I'm tired. I don't care... what will happen to me..." Her lips were trembling. "I've lost everything... my mom... my home..." Viola did not know what she was saying now. Words just came out from her mouth without her being able to control them. "Walter left... but..." She paused for a while. Tears started rolling down from her eyes.

"I don't care about your damn life."

"Leon..." Viola continued as if she did not hear Nora.

Leon, who had been listening since the beginning, was startled when his name was mentioned. Nora had probably forgotten about the call. The camera was shaky.

"Leon... he said he cares for me." Viola's voice changed. Leon realized she was crying. He clenched his other hand.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Nora slapped Viola's face. "Are you trying to buy time because you know your husband is coming?"

Viola thought she misheard. "Leon... is coming...?"

"He knows about me. With his influence, it will just be a matter of time when he finds this place." Nora scowled. "We are waiting for him."

Viola stared at Nora in horror. "What... are you going to do to him?" She tried to release herself from the ropes that tied her.

Nora did not answer. She smiled pitifully at her.

"No... Don't... Please... Please don't hurt him..." Viola begged her. Nora ignored her and walked towards the door.

"Please! Please don't do anything to him!" Viola shouted. The cut in her mouth grew wider but she could not feel the pain anymore. "I'll do anything you want... so please..."

Nora turned to her. "Like I care."

"Don't you want me to die? You can kill me." Viola was desperate.

"Just kill yourself." Nora laughed. "I'll bring your..." Nora's eyes widened. "What... what are you doing?"

A feeling of fear crept up on Leon. What had just happened?

"Faster!" Leon ordered. The driver nodded and stomped hard on the accelerator. The party had left the airport immediately after Tom received the location traced from Viola's phone. For years he had worked for Leonard Oliver, this was the first time he saw him panicked.

In front of Nora, Viola had used her last strength to bite her own tongue. Blood started flowing out of her lips.

Before Leon could make out what happened on the other side, the call was cut off.

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