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I can practically see the color draining from Harper's face as her eyes widen. She looks like a fish out of the water as she gapes at me for a minute. Realization dawns over me as I watch her scramble.

She wasn't supposed to say anything and I wasn't supposed to know.

"Mia," Harper starts but I'm up and out of my chair in an angry flash, ripping off Jax's big coat and tossing it to the ground in a huff.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

"Tell you what?" Emily walks over, a plate of food in one hand and a drink in another.

Harper's face turns sheepish as she looks from me to Emily. Even with no words exchanged between them, I can see the knowledge move across Emily's face as she looks to me with a similar expression to Harpers. Anger wells up in me again as I witness the silent exchange.

Secrets. It's nothing but secrets with these wolves and I don't understand it. Why does it seem like the ones I've been calling my friends, have more secrets than the one the wanted to kill me.

"I can't believe this," I pull Harper's sweater off me, not even registering the cold temperatures as I toss it on the ground in anger.

I'm starting to wonder if Caspian even wanted to kill me. Who knows, with all these things being kept hidden from the stupid, naive human, maybe Caspian wasn't out to hurt me after all. Maybe they're just using me, feeding me the information they want me to believe so that I can cause Lotus' downfall.

Even as I think it, a part of me knows it sounds ridiculous. But I can't stop even the craziest theories from making sense. After all, I'll never know because I don't belong to this world. I have to rely on what they tell me and trust that they wouldn't lie. So far it's not going well.


"Wait!" I ignore Emily and Harper calling after me as I walk through the party back into the house, but I knew better than to think I would be able to get away from them. They move so much faster than I.

"Wait, please let us explain," Harper holds her hands in front of her as Emily sets down her plate on the counter in the kitchen.

"Explain. You want to explain," my eyebrows pull together as I cross my arms over my chest pretending to think, "Okay, explain why you all keep hiding things from me. Why it seems that around every corner, I'm finding something else out that I should have been made aware of in the beginning,"

"It's not that -"

"No," I hold my hand up stopping whatever Emily was about to say, "You said you wanted to explain not make an excuse. So let me try and take a guess,"

My hands run over my face and I can feel the cold sting of betrayal like a fan to flame only causing my anger to rise. Am I being irrational? Probably. But why does it seem like around every corner is some other life-altering secret?

I'm strong enough to know of the wolves and know their legends but things that are important, whether they think it is or not, I shouldn't have to accidentally discover the truth.

"You all have been lying to me since I got here," I start, crossing my arms over my chest.

I was really starting to think that I was a part of something, even if it was just a small part. I had friends and people who seemed to care about me. It hurts to be questioning that now. To wonder what I actually was to them? Just another pawn in their chess game, only useful until the game was over and then disposable?

"No, Mia you don't -"

"Oh but I do. What was it some sick game? Tell me a story, tiptoe around the biggest parts of it, and conveniently leave out the part where Caspian supposedly wants to kill me," I throw air quotes around the last part because honestly I don't know what to believe anymore and even though it's my anger that is showing the most, I am frightened and I feel more alone than I had been lately.

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