Chapter 29

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A few days later, Kara and I met at the packhouse to meet with the seamstress who made gowns. She apparently needed a large space to work and it would be convenient for Sam and Liam to go see her since they would both be there working.

Kara was a chatter box of excitement. She left Gracie with Callum's mom and it's the first time in weeks she's had any real time without her baby. She was using it to the fullest. She even brought champagne and glass flutes in her purse.

If I wasn't sure before, this would have sealed it that Kara, well, she's my kind of people.

The tiny she wolf of a seamstress stood in the middle of four racks of gorgeous dresses. I think Kara's mouth started to water.

"Hello, Luna! My name is Seline. It's a pleasure to meet you." I take her hand in mine and give her a genuine smile.

"It's so nice to meet you Miss Seline. We appreciate you coming on such short notice." She scoffs and waves me off as she goes about choosing dresses for me to try on

"Nonsense, dear. This is what I live for! All of the most fashionable Alpha's and Luna's wear my designs and we are going to make sure you shine brightest of all, my dear." She takes in my appearance before grabbing more dresses. "My, my you are a gorgeous one. I can't believe you're not a wolf already. I bet the Alpha appreciates every inch of that bosom you have there. Alphas always tend to be boob men. Beta's are more ass men."

"And what about Gamma's?" Kara asks.

Seline gets a twinkle in her eyes and a warm smile crosses her face before she replies.

"Oh, Gamma's are good men. They appreciate it all, my dear."

Kara and I cackle at this glorious woman who has managed to already make us feel at ease. Kara even offers her champagne, which she gladly accepts, as I try on her marvelous creations.

She has me try on an emerald green dress that's beautiful, but makes my skin look pale, and a baby blue one that has a slit way too high up the thigh for my liking and a dark red one that is beautiful, but the skirt is too large and I'm not comfortable enough with it to wear it. Then she pulls out a white dress and I grimace.

"What's wrong, dear?" Seline asks.

"Nothing it's just... when humans get married they have a wedding and the bride usually wears a white dress. I always looked forward to having a wedding and I guess it just hit me that I'll never have one." I give her a small smile while Kara frowns.

"That's not necessarily true. I'm sure alpha would give you a wedding if it would make you happy." I shrug and take another sip of champagne.

"That would be kind of silly wouldn't it?" Kara shakes her head furiously.

"Not at all. Maybe ask him about it. It actually sounds like fun." I nod as Seline puts the white gown back and picks out another pale pink one with light grey flowers that is beyond perfect.

" I nod as Seline puts the white gown back and picks out another pale pink one with light grey flowers that is beyond perfect

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