Chapter 13

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Liam has been acting weird and I don't like it. All that crap about wanting to help out with the Halloween party... what was that? It's been over a week since the party and he still finds a reason to talk to me almost every single day. Like today, he asked if we could have lunch together. I told him I already had plans with Kara.

Which I didn't.

But I want nothing to do with that asshole. It seems like he's trying to make nice, but it's far too late for that. I still hate him and I don't know how I could ever forgive him for what he's done to me.

The longer I'm here, the more I realized how poorly he handled our situation. He didn't need to kidnap me. He could have infiltrated my life like a lot of the other wolves with human mates. I would have felt the mate bond and eventually, would have left Derek on my own. Sure, it would have been hard but at least I wouldn't loathe him the way I do now.

And then the marking. God that was terrible. Even the pack was uncomfortable with the way he handled that. According to the other women that's usually a very private thing. Like a right after sex kind of thing. Not that Liam and I will have sex. Ever. Apparently he was very aggressive about it too. It's meant to be a pleasurable experience. Oh and also, a consensual one. So marking me painfully, against my will in front of the entire pack? Yeah, pretty fucked up. The women said he lost control of his wolf so it wasn't really him doing it, but he's an alpha. He should have been able to control himself. I still can't even look at my mark. It's a pink scar in the shape of a Cresent moon with three little stars all bunched up together. I would think it was beautiful if I saw it on someone else. But for me, well I almost always wear a shirt that covers it because I can't stand anyone seeing it. They give me looks of pity whenever their eyes land on it and it makes me hate Liam even more.

And then there's the cheating. The only other person who knows about that is Sam. Well, Sam and the chicks he banged. Sure, I don't feel the physical pain anymore, but there is still an ache that feels soul deep every time I think about it.

So him wanting to be buddy buddy and break bread together?


Not happening.

Luckily I don't see him for the rest of the day. Probably doing paperwork or training. He is always training. Probably trying to work out the sexual frustration.

That thought makes me smile.

I'm in the kitchen finishing up a second pan of lasagna when I hear the front door close and two male voices. My hopes that they will go upstairs to Liam's office are dashed when he and Sam walk into the kitchen.


And sweaty.

Lord have mercy.

Liam's biceps are bulging, his pectorals taught and his six pack is chiseled. He has that v thing that always looks painted on the guys in magazines, but is very much so real on him. Then there's a smattering of dark hair trailing from his belly button down into his pants like the cherry on top of the sex sundae. Sam is almost as impressive as his muscles ripple under the faint sheen of sweat covering his body.

I've never been a threesome kind of girl, but this may be the most tempted I've ever been.

And according to the smug look on Liam's face, he's noticed.

So I squash those thoughts as quickly as they came.

"What cha makin Luna?" Sam asks.

"Lasagna." I respond taking out two plates and placing them on the island.

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