Chapter 25

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Waking up to Lily next to me, holding my hand in the hospital room I thought it was a dream. Or maybe I had died, and this is wolfy Heaven. And then I shifted a little and pain tore through my entire body.

Yep, still alive.  

The pain made me clench my fists, one of which was wrapped around Lily’s hand. The movement had her stirring and she popped her head up like a ground hog out of his hole. It was fucking adorable and I probably would have laughed if my body didn’t feel like it was on fire.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I do my best at flashing her a reassuring smile.

She is not fooled.

“How bad is your pain?”

Ha. Typical Lily. No ‘are you ok’ or ‘I was so worried’. No bullshit. Straight to the point. A girl after my heart.

“Oh, it’s just a scratch, babe.” I try to say with nonchalance. She stands next to me and rolls her eyes while grabbing the little remote to call the nurse.

“On a scale of one to ten, one being no pain and ten being the worst pain you’ve ever experienced.”

“Eh, a two.” She gently pokes the bandage on my abdomen, and I let out a very unmanly screech as I move my arms protectively over my wound.

“Ok, ok at least an eight.” She nods as a nurse enters the room.

“Could he get some pain medication please?” She asks politely. The nurse nods and hurries to her task.

Once the nurse leaves, Lily looks at me for a long moment, her arms crossed over her chest and I see tears brimming her eyes as she bites her lip and tries to keep them from falling.

“Hey, hey I’m alright.” I say soothingly. She nods and leans down to rest her head on my chest without touching anywhere else to avoid causing me pain. I wrap my arm around her back and rub gentle circles while trying to breathe in every drop of her scent.

A scent I thought I would never experience again.

I came a lot closer to dying than I’d like to admit and the only thing I could think of as my world faded to black was never seeing Lily again. Making love to her, seeing her pregnant with our pups, spending more Thanksgivings and Christmases making memories together.

I was fucking terrified.

And now that I lived, I’m going to do everything in my power to make her the happiest woman who has ever existed. If that makes me a pathetic, love-sick wolf puppy, so be it.

“How’s the pack?” I ask her as she hands me a glass of water.

“Everything’s fine. Callum and Kara are handling the clean-up. We had no fatalities.” I nod as I chug the water. I look over at Sam, sleeping on a cot. His face is swollen and bruised, and it’s set in a grimace as if from pain.

“How’s Sam?” She smiles weakly at him.

“Sore, but ok. He just needs to rest and heal.”

Dr. Sommers comes into my room and looks at my chart on the computer.

“How are you feeling, Alpha?”

“Like I got hit by a truck, but otherwise fine. When can I go home?”

“Any time. You’d probably heal better there than here anyway. Your vitals look good, I want to take a look at that wound, but you’re lucky to be mated to one of the best nurses on the territory so I’m sure she can handle your dressing changes.” I smile warmly at Lily

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