Chapter 14

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‘So he wants to play that game huh?’ I think to myself as I walk back from the Cartwright’s house.

Apparently, Mr. Cartwright is an excellent warrior and was sent to another pack to help them defend themselves. He was injured badly, and they aren’t sure he is going to make it. Mrs. Cartwright says he was stabbed with silver. Apparently, that’s one of the only things that can harm a werewolf.

I should get something made from silver in case Liam ever comes near me again.

I walk into the house and am reminded of my wicked plan. I head up the stairs to my room and try to discern where Liam is. I’ve noticed over the last few weeks that I have a sort of ability to home in on his location. Like a built-in tracking device. It pushes me towards whatever direction he is in. The pull is difficult to ignore when we are closer, like in the same house. It’s been particularly annoying since he switched bedrooms. I don’t see how that bathroom is better. His other one was way bigger, unless he just wanted the shower with all the jets.

His attempt to wear me down by using sex appeal was not going to go unpunished, though. I walk up the stairs and feel him down the hallway in his office. The light under the door confirms my suspicion. I walk into my own room and feel my heart beating wildly, from both excitement and anxiety. I honestly don’t know how he will react to what I’m about to do, but I don’t care. I’m still doing it.

I go into my bathroom and take a nice, long hot bubble bath. I lay in the bath, imagining Liam’s muscles, his beautiful eyes and the way his voice send shivers through my body regardless of how much I try to fight it. I feel my heartbeat quicken and my body start to respond to my wayward thoughts. Thoughts I have not allowed myself to indulge in, knowing how dangerous it could be. When I can no longer stand the suspense, I towel off and go to lie down in my bed. I purposefully used a very faint smelling bubble bath, knowing I need my natural scent to be strong for my revenge.

I arrange myself into a comfortable position and run my hands along the length of my body, tweaking my own nipples and stroking my inner thighs. With one hand, I run a finger along the length of my slit, gathering some of the wetness and running it up to my clit where I begin to rub slow, gentle circles. I continue to play with my nipple with my other hand, giving myself a bite of pain that only enhances the pleasure building inside of me. I continue my movements until I can feel my arousal leaking from inside of me, then I increase the speed and pressure on my clit. I bite back my moans of pleasure as I imagine it is Liam’s hands doing this to me. His thick fingers rubbing me, his warm breath on my neck whispering dirty things in my ear. It had been so long since I touched myself, I was already nearing my release, but I want this to last so I slow down a little. I throw the blanket off of me, hoping to waft my scent throughout the room and return my attention to my clit. I slip one finger down into my pussy, slipping in and out of my wetness at a luxurious pace that soon feels inadequate for my needs. I try to imagine Liam’s head between my legs, lapping at me with his tongue, savoring my taste.

I add a second finger to the first, pumping steadily in and out of myself as I start to squirm on my bed. The feeling is much more intense than any other time I have ever touched myself, and I can only guess it’s because of the mate bond begging to be fulfilled. I can’t delay my gratification any longer. I begin to pound my fingers in and out me with desperate need as I feel my orgasm build low in my belly. I climb higher and higher until I reach my plateau of pleasure, before falling off onto the other side. I feel myself clench around my fingers and can do nothing to contain the whimpers of ecstasy that escape my mouth.

Just as I begin to come down from my bliss, I hear a loud growl and the whole house shakes from the power it reverberates.

Oh shit.

I hurry to dress, pulling down the t shirt I was already wearing and slipping on the cotton shorts I left on my bed as I hear pounding footsteps coming down the hall. In the next second my bedroom door flings open and Liam is standing in the doorway.

Although he doesn’t really look like Liam.

His eyes are black, the hair on his arms seems much thicker and his claws are beginning to elongate from his hands.

“What are you doing?” He growls. His voice is much lower than normal, and I think his wolf is beginning to come forward.

“What do you mean?” I ask sweetly.

“You know what I mean!” He practically yells at me. I give him a sweet smile and pad over to him on bare feet.

“I was just getting ready for bed. Why? Is something wrong? You don’t look like yourself.” I furrow my brows in mock concern as his heaving breaths begin to dissipate. His claws and fur retract, but his eyes are still black as he stares at me.

“I can smell you, Lily. And hear you.” I gasp in an attempt to feign shock, really wishing I had taken some of those drama classes in high school.

“What do I smell like?” I ask quietly. I have always been genuinely curious what I smell like to him. Sam said that your mate will smell like the most delicious scent in the entire world. Liam takes a step towards me and lowers his head into my neck, running his nose up to my jaw and inhaling deeply.

“Like the most amazing strawberry shortcake.” He whispers. “I wonder if that’s how you taste, too.”

My knees weaken and I can’t stop the involuntary shudder that wracks my body. He chuckles at my reaction and my core clenches. Even though I just had an orgasm I feel molten heat develop in my pajama shorts. I push back away from him to get some space and clear my head. The sparks from where I touched him shoot up my body and I’m distracted by his presence once again. I nearly forget the whole reason for this little stunt, but the smug look on his face reminds me.

“I’m sorry, Liam. It’s just the image of you without a shirt on was too much to bear. I had to do something to… release the pressure.” I give him a cheeky smile and he growls at me, just now having put together what I was doing.

I glance down at his crotch, where his hard on is pressing against his black basketball shorts. His erection is impressive and my fingers itch to let it free and trace the soft skin, but I push it back and look back up at him. He takes another step towards me, and another and another until my back is against the wall. He cages me with his arms and leans in close, his erection pressing against my stomach. He lowers his head to my ear and takes another deep breath of my hair. His body is practically shaking from his effort to hold himself back.

“Don’t do that again.” He murmurs. Goosebumps erupt all over my body and I intake a deep breath, then hold it, seemingly unable to get my diaphragm to work. “Or I may not be able to control what happens next.”

I look up into his eyes, which have returned to their beautiful bright green and push him off of me.

“Goodnight, Liam.” I say as I point towards the door.

He growls, one last time for good measure apparently, and exits my room, slamming the door shut behind him. I hear him walk across the hall to his own room and slam that door as well. A couple of minutes pass and I hear his shower turn on and him let out a tortured groan.

I can’t help but laugh. I snuggle into my bed and fall asleep quickly, feeling awfully proud of myself.

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