Chapter 15

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After events are always seen as the calm before the storm. Sadly there no storm but a darker force that manages to break me into a million shards of glass.

I am currently bringing the merman some fish. My footsteps echo around the darkroom. All the staff has gone home and John is the only one here that is doing some extra paperwork. John told me I can go home and relax but I didn't want to leave Stella in case anything should happen.

I sigh tired from what I had to endure the past two days. First, it is the merman, then Jack, then Stella, and now who knows what is going to happen. 

Closing my eyes and smiling slightly as I relax somewhat. My feet take me to the merman enclosure and I halt at the doorframe. 

I used to think this place was haunting during the day with very little light and the only source of light to guide would be from the tank. 

Now with it being night, the place looks even scarier. I gulp my fears down and walk-in toward the tank. 

My footsteps continue to echo around the room, except it seems louder now. I don't know if it because it is a small room or if it is my hearing that is heightening once again.

I don't plan to tell anybody about what I am experiencing as they think I am crazy. 

I move the bucket in both hands gripping it tight. It is the only comfort I have in this room and also, John that I bet has the camera on, watching from his office.

John, I keep getting faint feelings I shouldn't trust him but he has stood by my side from the beginning and even before he became the boss of the aquarium, he and I were friends. 

We still are but that dark look I saw he threw at Jack got me to doubt being so trusting to him.

Step by step I take, up the staircase. Each thump of my small black combat boots with the squeaking of the step under my weight has my hair at the back of my neck stand up. 


It's alright Sarah, nothing to be afraid of. Your basement is scarier than this place.

Geez, my head likes turning me into a chicken. Back at the house, we had a basement made of concrete walls and floor with only a small rectangle of a window for the single source of light. 

There were some weird things I saw when I was a child. I make it to the bridge and lower myself on the floor, the bucket beside me.

I faintly hear water lapping as I am pulled into memory.

"Sweetie, can you go down to the basement and get that big brown wicker basket for me?" my mom calls me from the kitchen. The smell of bacon getting me excited to eat soon.

"Okay, mom." My five-year-old self runs toward the door with the stairs leading in the basement.

My blue frilly dress moves side to side with every step I take down the steps. I make it down into the cold room. My small bluebell green colored eyes look up at the dangling chain made for the light. 

'It too tall for me to reach.' i slowly make my way through the darkroom.

I can faintly see where I am stepping with the light of the moon shining in the small rectangle up near the ceiling. A fully white circle shines in my eyes reflecting the fear that is shaking me from within. 

I look around wanting to get out of this place fast. There it is!

The curve of the thicker basket handle shines with little light but it is there nonetheless. My small feet jog over to the object.

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