Chapter 2

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*The picture was found on Pinterest . Credit to the person who pinned it. View and comment. Thank you for following this journey=)*

Somedays you are thrown a curveball that sometimes you cannot get out of. You try making sense of what it is but somehow you have no choice but to follow what your heart says instead of your brain. That is what I am feeling at the moment when I see him.

Short silver hair is the first thing I see waving around in the crystal blue water. The silver hair is connected to a sharp oval face with pale white and slightly tanned skin. Sharp features that can cut through butter.

My eyes trail down with a strong lean neck broadening out to his shoulders and along with his...muscularly ripped arms. Every flex has the muscle flatten outstretched and shows his thick veins. If I was a vampire right now, this creature would be my special full-course meal.

I am only able to see its arms and strong looking back as with the liquid lapping in waves it is a bit blurry for me to get a clear picture. 

What I do notice is the upper part of its body is male. As in human male! Humans aren't sea creatures last I checked.

What stand-outs in the water is a silver tail! It catches my eyes immediately as the light glitters off it. The strong and big muscle is almost about 8 feet with see-through paper fins that are half the size of the monstrous tail. 

I bet he can sweep half of those men who hauled in the tank with one blow.

"Woah," I say under my breath and as the creature turns, its gaze lands up at me. Did he hear me?

My holy lord, strike me with lightning. Deep silver-grey under black long eyelashes and thick black eyebrows.


The creature swims up and only half his chest is out of the water. I lower my hand from my mouth to the metal I am kneeling on. 

A magical feeling fills up my heart while goosebumps line my skin; my hair on my body standing up at the electric atmosphere.

The creature- wait! Merman upon clearer inspection is gorgeous and could be possibly sculpted by gods. Hail them for creating such art!

"Sarah!" I shake my head and blink my eyes at my name being called.

"What!? Geez, you don't have to scream in my ear." I shout back to John narrowing my eyes at him.

At the corner of my eye, I see the merman smirk; his eyes shine with enjoyement? What does he find amusing about me screaming at my boss?

"Let's go." John motions his head to the stairs down to the platform. 

Austin is already gone from my side and out of the room. How did I not hear him? I guess the merman got all my attention.

I glance back to the merman to see he is still near me, gazing at me but glaring at my boss. I sigh and stand up; heading to where the others are going.

I follow the crowd and we enter the staff meeting room, some employees are not present to keep the crowd outside occupied and supervised in case the animals start acting up.

I sit down in my designated spot that is in front of the door and across the long rectangle table where my boss's sits down.

"Well, it seems our queen of the waves found her fish boy." Jack our aquarium class clown announces making everyone laugh.

I suppose every workplace needs one of those idiots around. I don't exactly have a liking taste for them as they sometimes can create more trouble than the animals can get into.

"This isn't funny, Jack! This is an opportune moment." John sends a warning look at Jack and I see Jack narrow his eyes but turns his head away. What was that about? the look seemed to have a double warning but for what?

"Sarah, you are to control the creature, make him worthy of tourist attraction while I get the scientists to get some blood samples. I have an idea of things that include fame." John addresses me after that moment with Jack.

My gut started to twist and turn unsure if I liked that look John gave Jack. They have something going on between them and I don't want to involve in their business. 

"He is new and seems too wild to handle, how can you just let her go in boss?" Mike calls out placing a hand on my left shoulder. I look at my shoulder; at Mike's hand with no expression. 

Physical contact is a seldom feeling. Don't yearn for it and don't want it. 

Mike is the guy who attracts the crowds and works with the website and technical aspects of the aquarium. 

His blonde short-cut hair makes all the girls swoon with his sand brown eyes making me remember a clear early morning walk on a beach. 

His light cream-colored skin shines under the glow of the lights giving him a heroic aura.

He is a caring guy and Jordan once or twice told me that Mike has a crush on me. 

The poor boy is younger than me by a year and he isn't my type but I am not going to let him down like that. 

I don't want to lose a friend by crashing his dreams of getting a girlfriend. He deserves better than me.

"She is the fish whisperer." Jack comments and the others laugh. 

Typical for Jack to start the jokes that fly about in the aquarium. 

The moment we both met he and I have been quarreling like cats. He though loses every time but if there was a rumor that gets passed on, true or not, he is the guy to begin it.

"Now I know where I got that name from. I will need time but I suppose I can get to your standards." I glare at Jack and then lessen my gaze to John.

I lean my head back in seriousness at the look John is giving me. His calculating gaze stares at me for a few minutes causing shivers to run up my spine. 

"Good. Dismissed!" John calls the meeting off. 

My shoulder tense still not over the odd feeling I experienced under that cruciating gaze. There is more to John that I realize even with Jack. 

Something in the wind is changing and I fear it is going to pull me into danger.

"Good luck." Mike and Austin say in unison.

"Wait, why do I need good luck? It is just a merman." I turn to face them confused. Thoughts of John and Jack move to the back of my head.

"Well, did you hear? The merman choked three of the men who hauled it here when they captured him on their boat. He also tore their throats out with his teeth like tearing paper." my eyes widen in fear. 

If that creature can do that to men who captured him what will he do to me taming it?

*Hey readers and followers, quite the thought huh?

Wonder if the merman will do any harm to the girl?

Please leave a comment down below and follow along for things are going to get rough.*

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