Chapter 5

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Fear and uncertainty can be a plague to the mind. It also leaves your fate out of your control and leaves you with surprises. At this moment I am fully surprised and caught off guard.

The merman in front of me is leaning in, opening his mouth and I faintly see his fangs that are long and thin almost like a snake. 

My heart is beating out of my chest. I close my eyes afraid that what I see and feel next is death but a pair of soft petal lips on mine. 

My eyes stay closed and I wrap my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers through his strands of hair. 

He continues to hold onto his upper body with one hand while the other hand wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I am in the middle of a kissing session with the new attraction to the aquatic aquarium. 

That is right people I am kissing a merman. 

There, I said it and in my mind, it feels odd but if I say it out loud I will begin to sound insane.

My arms are around broad shoulders with their muscles strong holding both his weight and my own whenever I lean back to detach my lips from his soft ones and gasp in the air while he goes for the jugular. 

The arm that is around my waist slowly raises to the zipper of my suit. I hear the clicking of the handle and feel him tug it down.

"Sarah! We need you...!?" Austin breaks my make-out session with the merman who we really should name.

The merman ignores Austin placing his petal lips along my neck kissing lightly drawing out a moan but I halt the lewd sound before it spills past my lips. I pull my face away but I stay with my body close to his.

I look down at my wet suit, it is soaked from the merman body. He looks down at the suit and frowns. My jaw lowers a bit, he wanted to see through my suit! That is the last time I am making out with a Fishman. 

Wait, there will be no next time!

But why did I kiss him in the first place? Was it magic from the merman that got me to comply with his advances or is there some part of me that wanted to kiss him? I think it is the magic looks this merman has.

Anyway, I am glad the suits are waterproof as if it wasn't and it was cheap material that is see-through. 

If it was then, Austin and the merman would be able to see my beige bra and a few scars that I got surfing from my past at the coast where my family lived. 

Yeah, my dad got me instantly balancing on surfboards the moment I can stand on my two feet.

"Sarah!" Austin screams my name getting my attention back into reality. 

The merman has moved his face closer to me and is now nipping my skin on my right side. I hold in another moan that is ready to spill out from the affection. I hold no feelings for him, he is the one making me turn all mushy.

Give in!

"Uh...What?!" I had to shake my head to get rid of the pleasure that I am experiencing with this creature. I don't want to seem like i am liking this which i am not!

You know you want more! 

"The dolphins are ready for the show. Are you finished with your attachment?" Austin's eyes narrow at the merman still on me. Okay, i need to get away from this merman, i am starting to hear voices.

"Yeah-" a growl rips out of the merman's throat and his right arm on my waist tightens. i flinch slightly in his arms.

"Woah, okay buddy, you gotta..." I hold up my left hand to Austin shutting him up and halting him in his steps to get the merman off me. 

Every steps Austin just took which was two, the arm around my waist tightens like a vice and i don't him to break my ribcage.

"Look as much as I want to hang out with you, I have other duties to deal with." another growl but softer this time and is leaning more into a whine. Such a puppy!

"Please let me go or do you want Austin here to take me away from you by force?" I give him a choice like a child or a puppy. 

He groans but slowly lets my waist go and slides his upper body down into the water of the tank.

"Thank you." the merman glares at me and dives in, flipping his tail against the water, splashing me. 

I gasp as I am fully soaked in tank water! Geez, no need to turn into Grumpy the angry dwarf from Snow White and the seven dwarfs movie.

"Alright, now that is over. Let's get you into your tail and you need to calm Stella a bit as Jack slightly ruffled her." Austin explains grabbing softly my left arm.

"Wait, Jack was near the dolphins. Why and how?" I ask him scared of what he did.

"I have no idea but he went to feed them as you were busy here -cough, cough- and-"

"Tell anyone what went on and I will kill you." I threaten not wanting anyone, Jack especially, to know I am not only fish whispering but fish kissing. 

Heck already he teases me when I get kisses from dolphins and belugas.

My family weirdly had always a connection with the sea creatures. My mother was famous for being the real fish whisperer and now it seems I carry out the same title now as my mother did. Except for this time I am trying not to wear it while my mother wore the title with pride.

"Okay, you got me. Come on, we don't want to keep the kids waiting." he tugs on my arm and pulls me down the stairs. 

I hear the water ripple behind me but I don't look as I need to concentrate on the steps not wanting to get hurt.

In the back of my mind, I keeping thinking about why Jack was with the dolphins in the first place and nobody seeing him? What is he up to?

*I wonder what Jack is up to?

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