You/Maki Zenin - Lost

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You weren't sure how to feel when you heard the news that the exchange event had been moved at an earlier time

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You weren't sure how to feel when you heard the news that the exchange event had been moved at an earlier time. You had thought you had more time to prepare yourself but that wasn't going to be the case.

"Hey! Looks like we're going to finally meet your girlfriend that you've been hiding from us."

"That's if she even exists, Miwa. She always refuses to show us a picture. Don't you find it a little suspicious?"

You opened your mouth to agree with Mai had said but you stopped yourself. Even if you lied about it, the truth was going to eventually come out.

"Don't listen to her, (y/n). Mai is just jealous that you're in a happy relationship."

"Momo, I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous of someone that is pretending to be in a relationship?"

The three of them start to get into an argument that you don't bother to pay attention to. When you're sure that they've forgotten about you, you slip out of the room.


"I don't understand why you haven't told them. What's the big deal anyways?"

"You know how they are. They'll get upset that I kept it from them and the fact that you're in our sister schools. Lets not forget the fact that your sister will kill me."

"Don't be so dramatic, (y/n). Mai is not going to kill you because we're dating."

"I don't know. From how often I hear that she hates your guts, I just know that she'll put a bullet between my eyes."

Maki rolled eyes over how dramatic you were being. It was almost like she was talking to Nobara.

"Babe, listen to me. If you don't want them to know that we're dating then we'll just keep it a secret. Just tell them that you made me up so they'll stop bothering you."

"Are you sure? You're not upset with me for hiding you?"

"I'm not. I'm fine with it."

You suddenly feel a thousand pounds much lighter. For the rest of the call, the two of you talk about other things until you eventually have to hang up to go to sleep for your early trip to the school.


You almost wished that you had told Mai about the fact that you were dating her sister as she continue to make fun of you for lying. It was annoying and you were willing to do anything to shut her up.

"Mai, that's enough. We need to concentrate on our plan to take care of Yuji."

You're knew that the school's principal wanted him dead but you didn't that he would use the event as an assassination attempt. When you're dismissed, you hurry to find Maki.

"Where are you going?"

"Mai! I was just going to get some water before the event starts. I'll be right back"

Mai narrowed her eyes at you. You were acting suspicious.

"Alright but make sure to be back before the even starts."

You nod and continue on your way to find Maki, not realizing that Mai was following close behind you.


Mai couldn't believe what she was hearing. There was no way that you were dating her sister.

"You're (y/n)! Maki's told us so much about you! You have to join us on our next shopping trip. Everyone here is terrible to shop with...

"You're dating my sister!"

You're quick to turn around at the voice of Mai. You didn't think that she had followed you.

"Mai! I uh...I'm not dating your sister. Why would you think that? That's ridiculous"

Sensing what was going on, Nobara tries to help.

"Yeah, that's ridiculous because she's dating me."

You're caught off guard when Nobara pulls you in for a kiss. Seeing your surprised expression, Mai knows that she was lying.

"Really? Then why does my sister looks like she wants to kill you." You both turn around to face Maki, finding her to be glaring daggers at Nobara. Mai just laughs when she sees how pissed off Maki was. "I can see why you decided to lie. I would also lie if I was dating someone as weak as her."

"Shut up, Mai. Maki is not weak."

"No? We'll see in the event. Our school will beat theirs without your help. I'll tell our principal that you're unable to participate. I would think twice before you spill anything that you're not supposed to, (y/n)"

Mai finally leaves the room.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm used to hearing my sister call me that."

Maki tells you when the rest of the Tokyo students leave.

"I wasn't going to let her insult you."

"You're too sweet. You should probably go back before you get in trouble."

"Wait but I need to tell you something. About what they plan to do..."

"No. You'll get in trouble. We'll handle whatever they'll throw at us."

"Maki, please...."

Maki gives you a small smile as she kisses you.

"Trust me. We can handle it."

"Alright just please be careful. Yuji is in danger."

You didn't have to explain anything further, Maki had understood what you had meant.

"We'll keep him safe. Thank you, (y/n)."

You nod and give her another kiss before leaving.

You really needed to talk to someone about transferring schools.


All characters are 18+

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