You/Akame - Cookie

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(Akame Ga Kill)

Leone mentally facepalmed as witness the trainwreck that was happening between you and Akame

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Leone mentally facepalmed as witness the trainwreck that was happening between you and Akame. It was quite obvious to everyone but Akame that you were flirting with her. Clueless as always, Akame believed that the two of you were just going out for lunch when you had meant it to be a date.

"Please tell me that you're not as clueless as I think you are."

"Leone, what are you doing?"

"I'm here to help you out. You're hopeless when it comes to these things, Akame."

"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense."

"On your date! I knew that things wouldn't go well if I didn't interfere. I love you, girl, but you're a disaster when it comes to love. Not to worry, as your best friend, I'm here to help you out."

"I'm sorry but did you say on my date? I'm on a date right now?"

Akame started to panic. She was never good with feelings and now she was on a date. Leone takes her hand and gently squeezes as a show of support.

"It's okay. I doubt that she even noticed that you were clueless about it."

"What am I going to do, Leone? She's coming back at any minute."

"Lets not panic. We have some time. First things first, do you like her?"

Leone smiles when Akame mutters a quite yes. This would make her job easy. She believed the two of you would make a great couple.

"Great. Then just tell her."

"What? Leone, that's not helping! I just told you that I don't do well with these kinds of things, how am I supposed to just straight up tell her that I like her."

"Simple. You don't say it, you show it."

Akame could already feel her head start to hurt at the confusing advice that Leone was giving her.

"You're not making any sense. You just told me to tell her that I like her and now you're telling me that I should show it."

"Exactly! Now you're getting it. Uh, looks like I have to go. She's coming back. Good luck!"

"Wait Leone!"

Akame tried to stop her from leaving but Leone was too fast. A minute later and you're back on your seat.

"Was that Leone that I just saw run out?"

Unable to say anything, she shoves a cookie in her mouth and quickly nods. You just laugh and change the subject. You were doing most of the talking as Akame was far too busy tryin got figure out what Leone had meant. Used to Akame hardly talking, you weren't bothered with the fact that you were the one that kept the conversation going. You had expected it, what you hadn't expected was for her to give you a cookie. It seemed dumb to be touched by the gesture but coming from Akame, it meant the world. She never shared her food. You happily accept the cookie and continue talking, already feeling much more confident that the date was going well.


"That's it? You just gave her a cookie and she asked you out on another date at the end?" Akame nodded, happily munching on the cookies that you had gotten her after the date. "Well, I can't say that I'm surprised. You would murder anyone before you let them touch your food. I can honestly say that she was probably honored by the gesture. Well done, Akame. I didn't think you would've figured out what I had said. Now lets prepare for your next date, you can't just keep giving her food instead of telling her how you feel."

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