You/Mikasa Ackerman - Happy Birthday

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AN: I'm writing this imagine on this book so I can let you all know that I've written a separate book for Attack on Titan. I would've kept the AoT on this book but I have far too many ideas to write about so I decided to just make another book for it. 

(Attack on Titan)

Quietly making your way through the halls, you finally reached Eren and Armin's room. Once safely inside, you turned on the candle to light up the room. 

"Wake up! I need both of your help."

"Wha...(y/n)? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

Armin answered as he sat up. Eren simply just turned on his side and ignored you so he could continue to sleep. 

"Everything is fine, Armin. I just need both of your help to bake a cake for Mikasa. The two of you grew up with her, I was hoping that I could make a cake that she liked when she was little."

"(y/n), that's so sweet! Of course we'll help." Armin climbed out of his bed and started to put on his shoes. "Eren! Come on. Get up!"

"Leave me alone, Armin. I'm exhausted. Hange hasn't let me rest from her experiments. I just want 5 minutes of sleep."

"Eren, please. This is for Mikasa. Don't be an asshole. She done so much for her. The least you could do is help me with the cake."

Eren groaned loudly as he heard you. He hated being guilt-tripped into doing something but he would let it slide for now since it was for Mikasa. 

"Fine! I'm up. I'm up. Just give me a second."

He sat up and joined Armin to put his shoes on as well. 


Quickly and quietly, the two of you made your way to the kitchen. None of the section commanders or higher ups were roaming the halls so it was safe to work in the kitchen. 

"We're going to get in so much trouble if Levi finds us. He's going to kick my ass again."

"Eren, that is not important. I need you and Armin to concentrate on remembering Mikasa's favorite childhood cake."

Eren and Armin looked at each other, trying to figure out who was going to tell you that Mikasa had far too many favorites to pick from. 


"Please for the love of...tell me that the two of you know what she likes."

"We do know what she likes!" Armin starts off, knowing that Eren was far too afraid of you to say anything. He knew you wouldn't do anything to him but you were scary when something didn't go your war. "It's just that Mikasa didn't have a particular favorite flavor. She loved every single one that they gave her."

The two of them held their breath as they waited for you to yell at them for not being helpful. After a minute of you not saying anything, they opened their eyes to see you looking around the kitchen. 

"Uh, (y/n)? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to bake her a family recipe. I was originally going to do so but I figured it would be better if I did something she liked when she was younger but since she seems to enjoy trying new cakes, she'll enjoy this better."

"Oh, that's actually a good idea. What can we do to help?"

"Armin, you stay with me and help me prepare this cake and Eren you can stand outside and warn us if anyone is coming."

"But what if I want to stay here and help?"


"Okay! Okay! I'm going."

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