You/Mai Sakurajima - Forgotten

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(Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai) 

Mai had told you about everything that was happening. Since the very first day that it started happening to her, you wanted to take a train back to the city but she didn't allow you to. She claimed that it would've been considered very unprofessional if you just left in the middle of filming just to spend time with your girlfriend. You didn't care if you seemed unprofessional but Mai was insistent that you stayed. She had event threatened you with withholding kisses and everything else if you decided to accompany her. You knew she would actually go through with it so you stayed after she promised letting you know if it got worse. 

It did in fact end up getting worse. Mai didn't want to trouble you so she kept it from you until one day, you just stopped answering her calls. She kept calling you all day at different times and even left you voicemails but you never returned her calls. As the day went on, she grew increasingly frustrated about the fact that you were ignoring her. 

"Mai? Is something wrong?"

"(y/n) is not answering her phone. I think she's ignoring me for some reason. Can I borrow your phone?"

He nods and hands it to her. As she dials your number, he gives her some privacy to talk with you.


"Finally! Why have you ignoring me? I'm so mad at y...."

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Mai gasps, dropping his phone as she hears you. She waited too long to tell you and now you affected with whatever was going on. 

"Mai! What's going on? What happened?"

"She can't hear me Sakuta! She..."

"It's okay, Mai. Just hold. We can figure this out."

He takes the phone to find that you had already hung. Dialing your number again, he waits until you answer to yell at you about Mai and what was happening. 

"I'm sorry but I'm sure that I will remember if I had a girlfriend. I don't know how you got this number but I advice you to not contact me again or you will hear from my lawyers."

"Look! I know that you don't believe me but you have to trust me. Mai was always going on and on about how you would often sketch her. Find your sketchbook so you can see that I wasn't lying."

You were shocked to hear how he knew about your sketchbook. You kept it a secret from everyone because couldn't remember why you kept it from everyone. 

"Alright. Just give me a second."

The only reason why you were even entertaining what he was talking about was because he knew something that no one that was close to you knew about. You searched through your luggage and pulled out a sketchbook. You opened it to find some blurred words at the front besides your name. As you continued looking through the pages, something was clearly missing. There were hearts all over the page that indicated that something had been there.

"Are you seeing it?"

"...I'm taking the next train to the city. Meet me at the station at 8."


Sakuta and Mai were waiting at the train station for you. As the doors open, you walk out in search of the man that had contacted you. Sakuta spots you and makes his way over to you. He can't help but feel bad as Mai keeps screaming at your ear to get your attention. 

"Hi, we spoke on the phone. I'm Sakuta."

"(y/n). So explain to me what's going on. I don't understand how I could just forget about my girlfriend."

"It's a long story...."

Sakuta goes on to explain everything that happened and you had a hard time believing it. It just wasn't possible to forget the existence of a person, it made no sense. It also didn't make sense that you had pictures, sketches and letters that looked like something was missing. The more you listened to him explain his theory of what was going on the sooner you started to believe him. 

"So where is she?"

"She's sitting right next to you."

You turn to either side in hopes that you might see something but there's nothing visible. It was just like you and Sakuta were alone in the room. 

"Mai, I'm sorry that I wasn't here to help you through this. I might not be able to remember you but I'm going to do anything I can to help Sakuta so we can figure it out together. I might not have my memories with you but I just know that I was very much in love with you. A piece of my heart feels like it's missing and I just know that it's you."

Sakuta looked away from the scene in front of him. The two of you were crying and he didn't know what to do. 

"Tell her that I love her."

He does as she says and it makes your heart nearly burst with happiness to hear that it was coming from her. 


"So I just scream to the whole school that I love her?"

"That's exactly right."

You took a deep breath and began to yell at the entire school. It was a little intimidating to admit your feelings for Mai in front of a bunch of people that were more than likely making fun of you but you didn't care. You would do anything to get her back and that included embarrassing yourself in front of the school and then the whole world. There was no doubt in your mind that the videos were going to be trending online for quite a while. When you're done, you take some time to catch your breath. A minute later and you feel someone tap your shoulder. Just as you turn around to find Mai standing besides you, she slaps you. 

"How could you forget me!"

"Ow! I'm sorry!"

She shakes her head and then gripped your shirt with a hand to pull you in for a kiss. 

"You're an idiot."

"Yes but I'm your idiot."

"I can't believe I fell in love with an idiot."

You smile at her and pull her in for another kiss. 

"I love you too, Mai."

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