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Third person

It's been a week of planning, every plan they thought of had some type of flaw. It was harder to get her this time than last time since Daniel knows that their going to come for her sooner than later. Daniel believes he knows all of the faces of Amelia's friends but her never met William and Amelia hasn't talked about him to Daniel. 

"That's all you have to do William, it's simple, no fighting or anything. You just need to touch her." Caleb said

"Yeah, yeah I get it." Everyone nods and prepares. William gets dressed and ready, he feels a hand on his shoulder. "Yes?" He says not turning around

"Please don't fuck up." Levi said

"Do you know who you're talking to lover boy?" William shakes his hand off his shoulder and walks out the building getting into his car and driving to where Amelia is supposed to be.


Back at Daniel's house

"Daniel told everyone one it's a false pregnancy, weird right?" Scott teases

"Shut up." Amelia pushes him playfully and sits on the couch next to him drinking a cup of tea

"Listen, I mean I don't have a say since I'm not a woman but I know what he did was fucked up, when you left he changed. He beat himself up everyday because he raped you, I mean when he told me I couldn't believe it to be honest. It didn't sound like him, no one knew what got into him once you came back it was weird. He flipped and started to act all out of character."

"So you're saying its my fault?" 

"No of course not, I'm just saying. Daniel would never abuse or sexually assault someone,  it was so weird and out of the normal for him. He despised my uncle because he would assault and abuse women-"

"Sounds just like his daddy-"

"No listen Ame-"

"No, you listen. You were right when you said you have no say, you aren't pregnant with his baby I'm not ready to be a mother, I'm not ready for any of this. You don't understand what I have to go through everyday, thinking about how this baby in my stomach is unwanted. I've always wanted a child but on my own time and when I'm ready."

Amelia didn't like talkin about her unborn child in her stomach but she knew everything she said was true, she wanted to have an abortion because she knows she won't be able to take care of the child and when the child grows up it would look just like him

"I'm going to my room."

"Wait, how about we go shopping or something... for the baby."

"I've been pregnant for 5 weeks, why go shopping now?" 

"I don't know, please. I feel bad."

"You don't need to but ok." Amelia placed her mug down and put on her shoe's not caring what she would look like. They get into the car and drive to the outlet, it was a normal shopping trip. She did have a little fun she wasn't going to lie, Scott was just happy that she was smiling, he felt bad that he tried to right his cousins wrongs.

"Ok let's put the bags in the car then get some food yeah?" Scott said, as they put the bags away and head to a diner. Amelia bumped into a hard shoulder. 

"Oh jeez so sorry!!" Amelia said, she looked up and almost pissed her pants.

"Oh my god, if it isn't Miss. Amelia Salazar! God how long has it been?"


"Yep! I haven't seen you since high school sophomore year-" Amelia furrow her eyebrows, she didn't  go to sophomore year"-remember that one time you almost pissed your pants because Jake Waller pulled that prank on you... what was it." He snapped his fingers trying to remember "Ah! You stayed after school and he pretended to be a killer, I wonder where that video is-" He chuckled at the fake memory "-good times good times."

"William uh are you-" Amelia was beyond confused right now, she's only known William for a few months and barley saw him. Now he's talking about knowing her since High school, it started to hit her slowly that he was most likely making conversation to stall for something.

"Oh I didn't see you there! Hello I'm William, I've know Amelia since freshman year. Kind of had a thing for her, I mean who wouldn't!"

"I'm Scott."

"Ok 'I'm Scott'" William laughs at his own joke even though on the inside he is dying and walking to kill Scott. "It was absolutely lovely to see you again Lia, I hope we can hangout soon and catch up!"

"Oh wait Will, how are you and Stacey? I mean every though you'd be high school sweethearts!" Amelia lied

"Oh Stacey... right well. She kinda cheated on me." Amelia faked being shocked

"No! With who, this is fucking shocking!"

"Yeah I know right, it was with Jake Waller."

"Fuck Jake!"

"Yeah Fuck Jake!"

"Scott say 'fuck Jake'."

"Uh.. fuck Jake?"

"Yeah!!" William and Amelia said in unison, "Well I better get going now, I hope we see each other soon." William said and placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered "Very soon."

"Bye Will." William waved and walked away "God what a trip down memory lane!" Amelia says happily

"That was the weirdest shit I've ever experienced, come on I'm still starving." They start to walk to a diner "I also want to know about this Jake Waller and the prank."


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