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Karl's pov (earlier in the day)

"Karl?" I hear Daniel say

"Uh yes.... sir." God I hate feeling like a slave, I feel like I'm shinning his shoes and while I'm at it might suck him off like shit.

"We have a guest coming, Amelia." I try my hardess to not slime or smirk "I would like you to cook for us, oh and feed him. I don't want him dying just yet." He says with an evil grin before walking over, I take this time to dance around the kitchen. I was going to see my Amelia again, I couldn't wait to see what she's become. I quickly whip up some food and head down to the cellars.

I open the metal doors and see him leaning against the wall with his head down, I hate seeing him like this. "Hey." I tap him lightly as he slowly lift his head "Brought you food." He sniffs it a little 

"Smells nice." I start to feed him, I know I hate being someone's bitch but he's my brother and he can't exactly feed himself right now.

"She's coming over here today." I see him tense "I get to cook for her." I had a small smile on my face, he only nods and I frown. "You're not going to say anything? She's coming here, Caleb is driving her."

"She moves on Karl, she's with him." I freeze with the spoon right at his lips, he leans in and takes the spoon of food in his mouth. 

"That can't be.... that's not right."

"As long as she's happy." I finished feeding him, I got up and started to walk out knowing there's nothing I can do "K-karl?"

"Yes." I turn and I see him shaking, he looks up and I see a tear fall down his cheek.

"I know she'll ask.... tell her I'm dead."


"Just do it. She will have the closure she needs, she deserves to be happy without the burden if I'm alive or not."

"Ok." I say in a whisper "I'll be back for dinner."


I was driving back home with my eyes filled with tears, Amelia has been through it and telling her he's gone made everything worse. Jacob is a dad, I smile at the image of Maximo but quickly frown when I see Amelia shaking. I'm back in front of the mansion, you're probably wondering why I didn't just stay with them or escape, it's simple, I refuse to leave without Levi. Without me he's be a stick, ribs showing, I make sure he has meat on his bones. 

I open the front door and head straight to the kitchen, I make a nice meal and head to the cellar also bringing a first aid knowing Daniel was down there. I open the metal doors and see him curled up into a ball.

"Levi, food." I help him sit up, I start to feed him "He really did a number on you didn't he..." I say looking at the bruises, he lets out a sigh. I know he's thinking about her "I told her... well I mean when I saw her see looked amazing. She didn't look happy per say but she did look good, I saw him hold her hand and she had a hint of disgust on her face so I think she doesn't like him. I told her you were.... yea know. She cried and cried and shaked uncontrollably, I found out she got into drugs-"

"What." I hear him say as he lifts his head up and meets my eyes

"She did because she was suffering, trying to forget. She's overdosed twice, she didn't dp the drugs because she liked them. She did it because it made her feel numb and she knew it would kill her one day, same with Ethan. He became suicidal, he's almost be successful several times as well, they've been through it as well. Caleb saw Ethan and as a dick to him, I don't know how Ethan is doing because I didn't see him."

"Sh-she overdosed..... I wasn't there to help her." He says

"Levi calm down." I start to clean his cuts and blood "Jacob is a father, his sons name is Maximo. He's married to Mary, their cute together, I got to touch Maximo. Even Mary wanted me to stay, I was happy to see them, I wish you were there."

"I've seen her..." I stop cleaning but then continue when he looks up at me again "At the ball, I bumped into her. She apologized because she bumped into me AHHH!" He yells as I pop his joint back in


"Her voice.... so angelic. I couldn't look at her because I knew she would know and I would've been able to retain myself. I wanted to touch her.... hug her some type of contact, so I brushed past her. Careful not to come off as rude or anything, when our shoulders touched I was immediately warm. I smiled as it reminded me more of how I know it will always be her but at the same time I was scared she'd know it was me, I hid in an ally as I saw her beautiful face turn around looking for me... it breaks me knowing I can't see her or help her. Fuck if only I was careful that day."

"Hey dude, no one would've known. It's not your fault, either way you did the right thing for fake dying. She only knows we're here, she knows we're safe. She might just leave it, if she knew you were here she'd make a half thought out plan get herself killed." I stand up proud of the patching I did "Till next time Levi."

"Oh to hear her voice again.... to touch her hair... her lips..... to just even get a glimpse of her. I would be complete." I hear him whisper to himself as I imagine he's replaying moments of them together, I feel so bad for him, he has it worst. 

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