Chapter 3

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After what seemed like forever the bell finally rang. I gathered my stuff and waited until everybody filed out one by one until it was just me and Dr.Reid.

"I have a free period next so why don't we talk for a few minutes. I want to go over some of the things you missed," He paused for a moment, "Why don't you go ahead and close the door." Dr. Reid said.

I loved the way his words flowed out of his perfect mouth, each sentence coming together clearly.

" Yes sir." I said and watched his reaction. He stared at me before licking his lips and shifting in his seat.

I turned my back to walk to the door which was across the classroom and I was internally screaming. I tried to think of every single situation that could happen and it all played in my head in an instant. I mean come on, me and this insanely handsome teacher alone in a room together, "discussing" what I missed.

Stop it Eve. I steered my mind back on track. He is just you're teacher and nothings going to happen. I shut the door and head over to his desk.

"You can pull up a chair." He tells me.

I grab a chair quickly, setting it by him so that we are horizontal to each other by his desk. Even sitting next to each other he was taller than me and I still seemed to have to look up at him. His eyes lingered on my lips before he started talking.

" All you really missed is the intro and the syllabus. I don't have any extra copies right now but I will get you one tomorrow." He begins.

I pretend to be interested in what he has to say but I can't help but feel distracted by him. When he was explaining things our faces were so close and I had to resist the urge to pull him in and kiss him. He's so pretty, which sounds like a weird compliment for a man but it's true. I love his eyes and how he has dark circles underneath them and it makes me wonder if he has restless nights like me. I acknowledge every feature on his face. He has a small button nose with barely visible, light freckles speckled across it. He has high cheekbones and a perfectly symmetrical face overall. His lips were the perfect size, they were pink and plump. He was way more handsome than Lucas would ever be.

I watched how his hands moves when he talked and his hands were hot. I've always had a thing for people hands. His fingers were long and he had veins protruding along his arms and his hands. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and the sleeves were rolled up.

" So that's basically all I went over, do you have any questions?" He says.

Shit. I completely zoned out.

"Uhh, I- I um, I'm sorry, I just, I completely zoned out." I admitted, feeling my face turn red. I looked down and I gave my self a mental slap across the face.

" You're cute when you're nervous." He said while tilting his head and my eyes darted to meet his.

Did he just call me cute?

He scanned my face with his eyes and then leaned back in his seat so he was in a relaxed position making him one million times more attractive. I took a quick glance down at his pants and I know I shouldn't have especially right now when he was looking straight at me. But I couldn't help

My eyes trailed down his body to his belt and then to his pants. Holy shit. He was huge. He wasn't even hard and I could clearly see his dick bulging out of his tight fitted pants.

"I, uh I guess I was, um I was distracted." I said and that's when I realized I was staring. Right at his dick.

What an idiot. Who even does that Eve? My eyes jerked up quickly and he was looking at me seemly amused by how flustered I was.

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