Chapter 1

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I stare into my pitch black ceiling. The fan spins making a clicking sound every time it makes a full circle. I count the seconds in between each click.

"One, two, three, four," I whisper, click. "One, two, three, four," click.

I turn my head to my night table and my clock reads 5:42am. Shit. I have to get out of bed in 3 minutes, and I didn't exactly get that much sleep. I decide to lay there in my bed trying to reminisce in the few minutes I have left before my first day of school. Usually I would have no problem before the first day of school, actually I would be excited. But this year I'm dreading it.

It's going to be my first year at the Lake Shore High School, which I thought was stupid because it's not even by a lake, and to make matters worse I'm going in as a junior. I have no friends here because I had to leave them all to move. And that just the tip of the ice berg. I wasn't here by choice, but rather by tragedy. My mom left me when I was 3 years olds. I don't remember much about her and sometimes I miss her but from what my dad used to say there was nothing much to miss. She was addicted to drugs. Anything she could get her hands on she would try. Last I heard she was off in LA with some guy like 10 years younger than her. I don't have any siblings, so it was just me and my dad.

Notice the key word was. He was murdered 8 months ago. The police haven't found out who killed him which in a way hurts more. The police sorta just gave up and nobody is out there trying to find his killer. I'm the only one, and let's be honest I'm no detective. I try my best not to think about him or my mom but it's sorta useless. Especially on nights like these. Restless nights.

So long story short, I'm living with my Aunt Linsey. She's amazing. She was my dads sister. She's 26 and she's beautiful. She has long blonde hair with fair skin and deep green eyes. She loves plants and everything organic and even though she says she doesn't smoke weed, I'm pretty sure I saw a bong sticking out of her dresser drawer a few weeks ago. She has crystals and sometimes she forces me to do yoga with her and even though I complain, I secretly love it. She and I have become very close and I have a lot of freedom but I still miss my da-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I pull my covers over my face letting out an annoyed groan as my alarm barks out a loud noise. Beep! Beep! Beep! I hear it again. I sit up and click the small button on my alarm clock and the sound switches off. I let out a sigh and I set my feet on the cold floor without even flinching.

I get up and turn on my lamp. It's bright enough to light up my room yet it's still dim. I walk up to my mirror and admire myself. I have tan skin from summer and freckles under my eyes. My hair is black and short and I have curtain bangs. I have deep green eyes (just like Linsey) that highlight my facial features. I was especially proud out my body though. I worked hard all summer. I have a pinched waist and abs, I have a big butt and I have perky boobs.  Despite everything I've been through doesn't mean I have to be ugly.

I slip into my school uniform. Another sucky thing about this school- uniform. At least it's not that bad though. I have to wear a plaid skirt everyday and a loose forest green polo. I rolled up the overly long skirt to make it a cute mini skirt. The skirt matched my polo too. I slip on my white air forces and head over to my bathroom and start washing my face. The warm water feels good against my cold skin.

I put on some concealer, blush and some mascara. I add some black eyeliner to my lower water line and complete my look with a bit of clear lip gloss. I put on a silver necklace and some silver rings that Linsey gave me. They were unique rings, some of them have crystals on them and some carvings.

I head downstairs and Linsey is sitting at the table.

" Good morning Eve!" Linsey smiles at me and takes a sip of her green tea.


" Morning Linsey." I respond with a weak smile.

" Hey, you're gonna do great and you're gonna have an amazing day. Put a better smile on your face, your negative energy is going to bring you down." She says while walking towards the fridge and pulling out a peach.

" I know. I just wish I knew some people
here." I reply as a peach comes hurtling towards my face. I catch it quickly, surprised at my own reflexes.

" Good catch. Do you want me to drive you to school?" She laughs.

"No it's ok." I grab my keys and head out the door.

I guess something good-ish came out of my dads death. I got his car and and it still smelled like my dad. I've only ever driven it once after he died and I started crying. I looked at my self in the rear view mirror and I took a deep breath.

You're gonna do great.


I drive up to the school parking lot and parked beside a bright red car with a couple of people laughing and talking by it. I hop out of the car and start walking towards the school but somebody stops me.

" Hey!" A female voice says to me.

I turn around slowly and see a short girl with brown hair and a bright smile waving at me. She was bubbling and I could practically feel her excitement from 20 feet away. I put on a smile and start walking towards her.

" Hi!" I respond.

" Are you new here?" She beamed.

" Uh yea it's my first day. I'm Eve." I said.

" Like Christmas Eve?" Another girl with black hair and pink streaks through it looks up at me. She has a septum piercing and she's carrying a skateboard under her arm.

" Yea, like Christmas." I smile at her.

" That's dope. I'm Sam." She says.

" And I'm Luna!" The bubbly girl chimes in.

"Why are we talking to this girl? Let me guess you don't know where any of your classes are do you?" A tall guy with dirty blonde hair and sunglasses looks down at me. His voice sounds bitter and it fills my ears. He had plump pink lips and tan skin.

" Uh yea I'm a little lost but I'm sure I could find my classes." I respond.

" Oh yea?" He gives me a cocky smirk and takes off his sunglasses.

" Yea." I say looking up at his icy blue eyes.

" Really cause I think you want my help." He continues cocking an eyebrow.

" Holy Shit Lucas! Stop fucking  flirting you suck at it." A guy with blonde hair and captivating hazel eyes teases. Lucas rolls his eyes.

" Watch your language Kai!" Luna says basically shouting. " I'll help you find your classes Eve, what's your schedule?"

I hand her my schedule and to my surprise I have classes with pretty much all of the people standing in front of me.

" Well, I guess you'll be walking with Lucas after all." Luna states while still looking down at my schedule.

" What?" I look up at her in disbelief.

" Yea you have your first class is with Lucas." Sam adds while looking over Lunas shoulder onto my schedule.

" Well, well, well." Lucas says annoyed and rolls his eyes.

I let out an annoyed sigh, and the bell rings.

Shit. We're late.

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