Chapter 13

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As I walk out of the hospital wing, all I can think about is how Raven thanked me - and all I did was nod my head. I mean, I know I have an intense dislike for her and she is nothing but a tool I can use; ready at my disposal but that was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to thank her as well. She defended my pack, she didn't have to and she really has no obligation towards the pack yet she still protected my pack.

"Man, you are one cold bastard," Clyde comments, the smirk evident in his tone.

"Okay, smart guy, what would you have me do to thank her properly?" I question.

"I can think of several things you could do to her but none of them you'll go along with."

"You're disgusting."

I block him out as I walk inside my office and take a seat in my large desk chair. I perch my head on the palm of my hand and just sit in silence while I think. How do I thank Raven?


After two days of being in the hospital, I finally get out. It feels so good to be able to move around and not be restricted to bed rest. Plus, Cal has been much nicer to me. . .okay, I wouldn't say nice but he is nicer than what he was when I first came here. It's calm between us now.

"Raven, where the fuck are you?!" Cal yells.

But not today.

You see, Cal wants to mark me in front of the entire pack. We may be on slightly good terms with each other right now but I still have not forgiven him for what he did to me. He still rejected me and that rejection is the thing that has pushed me further into this darkness that I've been plunged into.

I just want happiness. . .

"Raven!" Cal yells again, sounding closer to where I was hiding myself which is in the closet underneath the stairs.

"You're very stubborn," Gale remarks.

I roll my eyes as I shift in to a more comfortable position. However, I lose my balance and fall on my ass, making a loud racket. The closet door swings open as Cal stands before me.

"Found you," he smirks, grabbing my arm and hoisting me over his shoulder.

"Let go! I don't want to be marked!" I scream, hitting his back as hard as I can.

"Give it up, Raven. It didn't work the first time, it won't work now."

I went limp against him as I realise he is right. I did it once and it didn't work then. I'll just wait until he sets me down to unleash my wrath. We get outside and he sets me down while the whole pack watches with anticipation. He turns me towards him and allows one of my tank top sleeves to fall down my shoulder.

"Ready?" he asks, a devilish smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

I glare daggers at him, as I say,"What part of 'I don't want to be marked' wasn't clear to you?"

He chuckles as he bends his head and inches his lips closer to my exposed neck and shoulder.

"If you mark me, you'll regret it," I warn, glaring harder as he looks up at me with mischief in his eyes like Harry and Thomas.

"I'll take my chances."

And just like that, he plunges his canines into my skin. I wince in pain but a sudden pleasure takes over my body. It first filled my chest before spreading throughout the rest of my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It is a beautiful sensation and it makes me numb yet it also heightens my senses. I have no idea what's happening but it must have something to do with the mate bond. And. . .I actually like it.

No, wait, this isn't right. I shouldn't be liking this! What the fuck is wrong with me?

My breathing starts to pick up speed and he finally removes himself from me. My neck hurts but it's a dull pain. I look up into his steel grey eyes and there is something in them. A look that is almost like adoration but it vanishes just as quickly as it appears which makes me doubt if I really saw it at all.

He smirks playfully as says,"Now you are a full Luna."

I glare at him, his words like a serrated blade through my heart. I'll never be a Luna in his eyes. I'll always be a filthy and foul rogue. I grit my teeth as I lift my leg and crush my foot into his manhood. He doubles over in agony while I watch with unshed tears in my eyes.

"I warned you," with that said, I stomp away in rage while the pack watches in silent shock.

* * *

I stare at the mark on my neck, the black swirls almost like a mesmerizing tattoo. It is such a beautiful mark but it hurts to know that the person who gave it to me doesn't love me.

"What's the big deal? I love him but you don't love him. Why do you care so much about what he thinks all of a sudden?" Gale asks, he tone holding anger but also worry.

My lip trembles at her words, she knows me so well. But, she's mistaken if she thinks I don't care. "I've always cared about what he thinks of me. His opinion of me was the one that I wanted to know the most. I-I love him, Gale."

There is silence as I spill my confession to my closest friend. She is silent. This is the first time she's gone silent because of my words.

The silence soon ends as she sighs out,"Finally! I thought you'd never come around."

"Shut up, Gale! You don't get it. I've always loved him. He's my mate. But he doesn't love me."

Just then, Cal's mother enters the room, giving me a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" she asks in a soft voice.

"I just-"

I stop myself from speaking. She doesn't know that Cal doesn't really love me. No one knows that this is just a way for him to have a Luna for his pack. I have every right to tell her the truth but for some reason, I can't do it. I want to tell her everything but I just. . .can't.

So, I decide to lie,"I just feel like Cal doesn't really love me."

My heart aches as I say those words. I know he doesn't love me and it hurts. It hurts a lot.

"But he just told me to tell you that he's taking you out on a date tomorrow night."

My heart almost stops at her words. A date? He's taking me out on a date?

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. And I know you may be upset that he didn't come ask you himself but he's busy with pack business."

I feel hope bloom in my stomach as a small smile graces my lips. It's nice to feel hope. It means that I'm still alive and I still have a soul.

"So can I tell him you said yes?" his mother asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes. Yes you can tell him that."

She smiles as she waves at me before cheerfully exiting the room. I'm once again left alone in silence with hope still taking over my body. Now, just one little problem - what the fuck am I going to wear?

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