Chapter 9

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One week.

One whole fucking week has passed since I've arrived and I hate it. Two days ago, me and the boys finally were officially accepted into the pack and now everyone is protective over me. It's weird to have so much attention. Again, as a reminder, I'm not used to attention.

To make matters worse, Cal is basically forcing me to share a room with him to keep up our perfect mate image. He even forces me to sleep in the same bed as him! But, I assure you, we both sleep as far away from the other as possible. If we are to share a bed then I'm not sleeping too close. Gale is not very happy about this decision but she's too trusting towards him.

Cal is out at the moment for some kind of Alpha meeting I have zero fucking interest in. At least I don't have to see his horrid face for two hours.

"You mean his beautiful face. Strong jaw. Steel eyes. Kissable lips-"


At this moment, the boys are out running and I'm outside looking after the pack pups and playing with them. All the babies are with their moms but the older children are with me. We're all playing an energetic game of tag and right now I'm it. They're all laughing at me while I chase them but I soon catch Libby, one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen.

If you haven't noticed by now, I have a soft spot for children. I absolutely love children and it's always been this way; their smiles always seem to make me smile. Also, children seem to like me a lot as well.

Libby giggles as I begin to tickle her. Soon all of them are tackling me to the ground and now I'm the one being tickled. Little hands tickle me all over from the soles of my feet to under my arms. I laugh loudly as I try to wiggle away from them. After a while they stop and now were all sitting in a circle, playing a guessing game.

"I'm an animal. I'm small and fuzzy and I love cheese," I say and immediately all of them raise their hands to answer.

"A rat!" a little boy named Evan yells.

"It's a mouse!" Rosie yells out.

They all begin to debate whether it's a rat or a mouse and I giggle at their bickering. They're so cute!

They all turn towards me, lots of curious eyes trained on my own, and Steven asks,"Raven, is it a rat or a mouse?"

They all stare expectantly at me while I just shrug my shoulders as I reply,"I forgot."

I contain my giggles as all of them whine. Both sides wanted to be right but neither wanted to be wrong. I didn't want to disappoint either side so I just said that to make them all equal.

"It's nap-time little ones!" one of the pack moms yell from the pack house.

"Will you sing us a song, Raven?" Libby asks, her voice soft and innocent.

"Please!" they all chorus and I giggle at their cuteness.

I just nod my head and they cheer in excitement, some dragging me by my hand towards the nursery. Once we're there, the little ones begin to settle in their little sleeping bags and I seat myself on a chair, patiently waiting for them to get settled. In the corner of my eye, I see Harry come inside and smile at me.

"What's going on here?" he asks.

The question is meant for me but the children didn't seem to know that as some start to answer him,"It's nap-time."

"Raven's going to sing a song to us."

Harry gives them a fake gasp of astonishment and he smiles at them,"Really? That's so amazing. Can I stay and listen?"

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