Chapter 28

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Sometimes I wish hunters would just die very quickly and very suddenly so that me and Cal can finally have a perfect life together. Is that too much to ask?

"Yes it is, darling," Gale replies even though I didn't want an answer.

I sigh as I look over at Cal who is in the planning room preparing battle strategies with the other men. Well, the ones that aren't seriously injured or in the infirmary. I understand that he needs to be the strong Alpha and be in charge but he has been distant from me for 2 fucking weeks. Whenever he looks at me, I swear all he sees is an obstacle because I'm always in the way.

He looks over, probably to talk to the person across from him but his stormy eyes catch my brown ones. Something flashes in his eyes; something that looked almost like longing but it soon vanishes and he turns his attention to someone else. I sigh and shake my head with sorrow as I walk away, my heart painfully aware that he doesn't want to see me. I head inside the infirmary and see Thomas in one of the many beds, his leg in a cast and hanging above him, off of the bed. He's flirting with Flora - the cute little nurse - who is his mate. Seeing them so happy makes me somehow love them and jealous of them at the same time.

"I have to go take care of another patient, Thomas," she says but he tugs on her skirt pulling her back.

"I'm the only one you take care of, baby."

She rolls her baby blue eyes at his silly little grin as she taps his leg that is in the cast, making him wince in pain. Once he lets go of her skirt, she sashays away making sure Thomas can see her butt wiggle.

"Bye-bye, Tommy," she giggles, walking over to another patient across the room.

Thomas sighs, his tone filled with adoration as he sits up straight and his eyes widen when he sees me. Almost as if he only noticed my presence now.

"Oh, hey Ray-Ray. I didn't see you there. How have you been?"

He did only notice my presence now.

I look over at Thomas and he gives me his signature smirk. Even in a hospital bed he can still smile like he is on a tropical cruise.

"I'm shit, how are you?" I answer honestly as I seat myself next to him, rubbing my stomach for comfort.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his grin dropping as he gives me a concerned look.

I look up at him and suddenly, without reason or warning, I explode,"EVERYTHING! Everything is wrong! My mate is avoiding me like I'm a serial killer, the hunters have waged war against us and I'm scared that they're going to win! You got hurt and I'm afraid that we're going to die for real this time! That we're going to fucking die like Frankie and that I'll lose my child and my mate and. . .and. . .I want to vomit all the time and it's pissing me off!"

Thomas looks at me with scared wide eyes as if I just grew another head while I breathe heavily and shake with rage. My body is literally exhausted from my outburst and something doesn't feel right but I brush it off as just being my anger.

Just when Thomas is about to speak, Cal's voice sounds from behind me,"Maybe I avoid you because I don't want to see you!"

I turn to face him and lose it. Walking over, I slap him so hard that he falls to the floor. We both glare at each other, each angry and upset,"I love you and I'm carrying your child and you don't want to see me? You know what fuck you, Cal! Fuck the hunters, fuck this war and fuck fucking you!"

"Raven, I'm not sure you understand what I'm up against and I don't want to see you get hurt! Why can't you understand that being together is-"

"What's the point of being together if you still treat me like I'm not your mate but some stupid-"

I don't continue as my stomach starts to hurt. It feels like someone just stabbed me as I fall to the ground, holding my stomach. Cal gasps in horror as the agonising pain rips through my stomach. I feel tears spring in my eyes as I go limp on the floor. Then, out of nowhere, I begin screaming as the pain suddenly intensifies, the tears now falling as I feel like I'm dying.

Suddenly Cal is by my side, trying to get me up as he frantically asks,"Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me, what's wrong?"

I continue to scream, the pain becoming unbearable as he lifts me in his arms. I am placed on a bed and chaos erupts around me as Cal tries to calm me while Flora rushes to fetch Dr. Evans. I can't handle the pain anymore and soon slip into darkness.


I pace outside the infirmary as I wait for news on Raven. I've been eating myself up with guilt for almost two hours. I'm so worried about her and I don't know what is wrong with her. Dr. Evans walks out and she glares at me with a burning rage. She was a good friend of my sister's and she's also like a sister to me. So naturally, she is worried about Raven just as much as I am.

"Fuck you," she growls out.

"Yeah, you can hate me later. How's Raven?" I ask.

"She's fine but because of all the stress you put her through she nearly had a miscarriage."


"Now, she has to be kept under strict supervision to make sure she doesn't actually have one!"

I'm in shock and I can't believe I nearly made my mate lose our baby. My legs go weak and I can't even begin to comprehend what has happened. If she loses the baby, it will be all my fault. I'm such a fucking jerk!

"Cal, what were you thinking? You know she needed you and you pushed her away. You did that to Lily and look what happened to her. Do you want your mate to end up just like her?" Dr. Evans says, giving me a knowing look.

I growl as I race out of the house and instantly shift, running through the woods as I try and get as far away from the house as possible. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was almost impossible to forget - the day I lost my sister.


"Cal, why won't you let my mate join the pack?" Lily whines and I glare at her.

"Lil, there's something I don't trust in him. He isn't good for you, I can feel it."

"But if we stay here, then you can watch out for me."

For some reason I snap at her words,"I want to try and find my own mate, Lily. I won't have time to baby you."

"Fine, then I'll leave!"

"Go then! See if I care."


She leaves in a fit of rage and I almost cry as I watch her leave. In my pride, I don't leave immediately but after a while, I start to get worried and try to go after her. Little did I know, that would be the last time I saw her alive.


I had pushed my sister away. I told her I didn't care what she did but that wasn't true, I did care. I cared but I still made her leave. After a while, I found out her mate had killed her and it was all my fault. Because I told her I didn't care. Now, history is repeating itself and now I may even lose my mate or worse - my child.

I was right, I don't deserve her. I'll just keep hurting her.

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