Chapter 2

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It's been two years since my rejection and I've gone through a few changes in my life but nothing drastic. I just grew out my hair so now it reaches my hips. The other big change in my life is that I've started to attend more pack parties - of course, only at packs that didn't mind rogues like me on their territory like Adela's pack.

Adela and I are at another pack's party, having an amazing time. We're both dancing and singing to the music like no one is watching and it makes me feel so much more alive. It's almost as exciting as a run through the woods in my wolf form.

"And if you like midnight driving with the windows down!
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce!
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about!
Baby, you're perfect!
Baby, you're perfect!
So, let's start right now!" we both sing loudly as the song comes to an end.

"Have another beer, Ray-Ray." Adela says, handing me a chilled beer.

I shrug care-freely as I chug down the cold liquid and then crush the can against my temple. That's another thing I've been doing more of in these past two years. Drinking honestly doesn't affect werewolves as we need to consume large amounts of alcohol to get drunk and, due to our incredible healing abilities, our bodies don't retain any ill effects caused by the excessive amounts we drink. Pretty handy if I do say so myself. I throw the crushed can in a random direction and head towards the DJ - well, stumble towards the DJ.

"Please stop drinking! You're making me sick." Gale whines.

I roll my eyes at her in annoyance,"I've only had twenty beers so relax a bit. It will go away in a bit."

"Still, please stop."

"Let me first talk to the DJ and I'll think about it."

I manage to make it to the DJ without falling on my face and begin to try and properly talk to him,"Play something sssssexy," I slur, practically leaning on him for support.

He glares at me in disgust.However, that glare quickly changes into a lustful and heated gaze as I begin peppering kisses on his neck. Then I begin sucking his collarbone, making him slightly moan.

"Please play something sexy. I neeeeeed it," I beg and immediately suck on his collarbone again.

"Anything for a foxy lady like you," he replies, his voice deep and holding in a moan of satisfaction.

A sexy and slow beat song instantly starts to play and I smile slyly at him. I begin to grind against him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I lick his cheek, giving him a teasing smile before I shove him carelessly to the side and walk away.

"You fucking bitch!"

I can hear him yelling other profanities at me as I walk further away. Of course, I ignore him as I grab my leather jacket, say goodbye to Adela, and leave the pack house. I know the whole sexy song and pointless flirting was unnecessary but what can I say? I love fucking with people. And, I'm pretty sure that some desperately-in-love mates are going to thank me for it later. I saw a lot of mates start to make-out when the song began to play.

Just because my love life sucks doesn't mean I have the right to ruin other people's love lives. I'm not that cruel. But. . .it would be nice if I had a mate who could listen to that song with me.

I am completely drunk and my head fucking hurts. Gale is going to argue my ear off about this in the morning. Sarcastic yay! I'm happy that I'm a little drunk though. It helps me forget about how much the world hates me. The world is a cruel place, especially to someone like me. In one glorious moment, the whole world seems to cherish your happiness. But, the world is like that fake friend you trust your life with. Once it gets a hold of something that is precious to you, it snatches it away and all you're left with are troubled memories, a bruised past, and a place in your heart that never seems to fill up.

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