Chapter 12

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     Hunter couldn't stop smiling. As he sat with his friends in the cafeteria, Hunter couldn't repress the smile that was plastered on his face - permanently etched there as if Cassia had drawn it with permanent ink.

     And as usual, his eyes drifted to her and her eyes slid to his. She seemed surprised when their eyes met and he inclined his head towards her, as if to say hi, and she flushed. Her eyes darted away and his heart jolted at her simple, but innocent reaction.

     "What happened between you guys during the scavenger hunt?" Liana asked. "I thought you hated each other? What's with the googly eyes."

     Hunter flushed. He scratched the back of his neck, his heart fluttering with nerves.

     "I guess Cassia isn't so bad after all," Hunter said.

     Liana scoffed. "You're blinded by her beauty. You're losing track of why we're here."

     "I couldn't care less about the way she looks," Hunter retorted. "I just think she's interesting, that's all."

     Now both Chase and Liana gaped at Hunter as if he'd gone insane. And maybe he had. Because he shouldn't like Cassia. He shouldn't care for her, but he did. Despite everything, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

     "Liana is right," Chase said. "You're losing sight of why we came here. Don't you remember what happened to your father?"

     Hunter was quiet for a moment. He could never forget. Ever since Hunter was born, his father would retell his story over and over again, leaving Hunter to feel his pain as if it was his own.

     But yet, he wasn't sure how to fulfill his wishes anymore. At least, in the way he was expected to.

     "Don't worry," Hunter said. "At the end, we'll all get what we want. I promise."

     Chase shook his head as if he didn't believe Hunter and Liana wore a heartbroken expression. Hunter pulled his eyes away, feeling lost. How did he end up in this position?


     They all stood outside on the field. Dawson had set up a few events that consisted of track-like tasks. Everyone was to verse each other in them and their scores were to be calculated for each game they played.

     Everyone littered the field and Hunter stood with his friends. Liana was avoiding eye contact and Chase was fixated on the games being set up, and Hunter's heart jerked. His friends were mad at him - it was obvious from the silent treatment - and he didn't want them to be. They were the only people who knew his pain completely, who understand what it was like to struggle growing up. And he couldn't bear the thought of losing them, so he reminded himself of his mission. His real mission and purpose.

     "Okay everyone. Once again these events will be done in pairs," Dawson said. "But this time, you can choose your partners."

     Hunter stiffened. Chase and Liana exchanged a look and looked to him, and Hunter looked to Cassia. Despite everything, she was the one he wanted to be next to.

     "I'll be partners with Cassia," Hunter said. When Liana pouted, he added, "Just to mess with her. I swear."

     Liana sighed and shook her head and Chase nodded. Hunter grew relieved and he made his way towards Cassia, who was standing with her guard.

     "Hi," Hunter said, nearing Cassia.

     Her head whipped to face him and her jaw dropped at the sight of him. They hadn't talked since the scavenger hunt and Cassia seemed stunned.

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