Sticking around

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The day was great. We all had fun in the living room, watching TV, talking, and joking around. We were in the middle of watching Lily try and arm wrestle with Dylan when Damien's eyes glossed over and his lips started moving. He was mind-linking with someone. After they were done talking he looked over at me with his brows forwarded.

"What's wrong?" it had to be something important if he looked so confused.

"I don't know, Ryan sai-" before he could finish his sentence, the windows broke and something went flying strait towards the TV.

In a second I was behind Damien and Lily and Emma behind their mates. Nobody moved for what seemed like hours. Finally unable to stand there any longer, I turn on my heels and head toward the thing that broke the window. It was a rock. With a note and flower tied to it. Damien was at my side in a second trying to take the rock out of my hand. Pulling it out of his reach I take the note and hand him the rock with the flower. Opening the note, my eyes scanned it before I handed it to Damien and sank to the ground.

My precious Scarlett, you should have known better than to think that I would let you go. I told you that you were mine forever and I meant it. Your mate won't be able to keep me from what's mine, he'll only get hurt. It's up to you now, you could come and no one gets hurt, or your little mate can get himself killed by trying to keep you from me. I'll be in touch.

Love, Eli

My mind was reeling. He can't hurt Damien, it would tear me apart. I have to protect the one's I love. As if sensing my thoughts Damien had me in a vice grip hug.

Running up the stairs to the very top floor. Opening the only door on that floor, he throws me on the bed, turning to lock the door. When he turned back I saw how close his wolf was to surfacing. His eyes were pitch black and his chest was heaving. He was a complete predator right now, and I was the only thing in his sights right now.

I'm not going to lie, he was scaring the living crap out of my right now. It took every ounce of willpower I have not to jump off the bed and try and run for the closest exit. That would be the worst possible thing for me to do right now. Wolfs enjoy the chase of the prey, and with his wolf so close I don't know how much control Damien had. His wolf would never hurt me, but that's not to say that he won't give into his animalistic instincts and claim me. A forced claim is the worst kind of pain you could feel.

Slowly he stalked towards me, and climbs on the bed. Pushing me down into the pillows, he climbs on top of me being sure to keep the majority of his weight off of me. Gulping I look anywhere but at his face. He lifts his hand up to my face, and with his two fingers he brings my chin up to look him in the eyes. His eyes were still completely black, and he growled softly when my eyes met his.

Calm him down Scarlett. Raine instructed.

How! I was freaking out. Alphas were possessive and you never want to mess with their mates, it never ends well.

Follow your instincts. Calming down our mate comes naturally to us.

I really hope she's right about this. Tentatively I reach up and slide my fingers into his soft hair. It got the reaction I was hoping for. He stopped growling and somewhat of a purr escaped his lips. Taking my other hand, that wasn't playing with his hair, and running my knuckles down his cheek. Damien closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my sent. His once tense body relaxed the more he inhaled. Raine was right, calming Damien came naturally. After a minute Damien pulled away enough for him to look at my face, but he still didn't get off me.

"Little mate, I know where your thoughts were heading. You are not going near this fucker. Is that clear?" his eyes were turning black again the more he spoke.

He's right. I was planning on giving myself over so no one had to get hurt. I have to protect the one I love. "I'm not going to sit back an-"

"You can't leave me! I just found you, almost screwed everything up and lost you. Now that I actually have you I can't lose you!" looking into his eyes I saw that he was near crying. It broke my heart so see him like this.

He's right. I would be protecting my loved ones, but also causing them pain. I'm all that Jace has left, I can't leave him. And wolfs go crazy if they lose their mates. I'll just have to stay here and protect them myself. Reaching up I grab Damien's face and press my lips to his. Taking the opportunity of him being shocked I flip us over and straddle him. We're going to get through this together, no running. I'm staying around and fighting.

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