Chapter 11

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After such storm

4 years later...

Ivan's POV

That day still makes me wonder about my decision. 

Did I make the right decision? She has now been freed...

And I have wished her happiness ever since the day she left.

I am now back at Italy, my main base because of the tragedy that happened four years ago at Detroit, Michigan.

Up until now, we have been tracking this one piece of evidence we found along the burnt leftovers of our base.

A walkie talkie

We have kept this piece of evidence locked in our most ethical hacker's sight.

He has been keeping all the records on the other pairs of walkie talkies that have been used since that day.

But almost every single one my ally has found were all in bins or near construction sights that has nothing to do with our search.

At this point, those morons were smart enough to get away with us.

I have remained infamous here in Italy hoping that she may come.

Yet that faith in me that we might see each other might all be just in my wishful thinking

Ugh. My mind is lost again from a daze of memory of her.

Liam and I are going to a meeting with our sponsors today.

These sponsors have been intact with us since we have opened our business here in Italy.

In short, we trust them.

Ofcourse I wouldn't go easy on them if it weren't for my spies in their company.

I have given all my energy into work ever since we left.

That was the only way to make myself get her out of my mind all the time.

As I was lost into my thoughts, Liam rushed in my office. "Alpha, do you wanna join us eat breakfast?" Liam asked

"Nah, just buy me coffee and some cigarettes will do."


He then left. We had an hour before leaving for the meeting.

I compiled all the files needed for later and scrolled through my newsfeed while waiting for my cigarettes to arrive.

As I scroll through every post, I came across her picture...

She publicized the picture which made me ....




And sad...

That picture was her and her 2 brothers Jona and Noah together with an unknown man with a caption "❤️✨"

Although I hoped that she would try to find me atleast, I saw that she was in the embrace of another man...

Liam came in seeing me all dull and gloomy. I knew that he has an idea on why I'm like this.

Yet the truth hurts too much... I just wanna stay right now.

"If you want, I can just come alone to deal with the meeting."

"Sure, thanks. I'll be in the rooftop." I sighed trying to cover my loneliness all to myself.

Ha, I'm such an idiot! I must've traumatized her so much to the point where...

She just wants to have a new better life...

Away from me. And away from the madness I hold.


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