Chapter 21 - The Truth

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The next thing I was aware of was a hand repeatedly stroking my forehead and running through my hair. Feeling sluggish, I opened my heavy eyes and tried to focus on the nearest object.

"Hey," Mum's soothing voice filled my ears as she continued the comforting motion on my head. She was sitting next to me on the bed that I'd passed out on, presumably waiting for me to wake up.

"Hey," I croaked back, realising my throat was dry and that my head was thudding slightly. I could see Keleon resting silently against the wall behind her, observing us, but I focused my attention on my mother.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, concern weighing heavily in her tone.

"Tired," I answered, still feeling groggy.

"Do you want to sleep some more?"

I shook my head.

"It's not that kind of tired. It's more like ... drained."

"Can we get you anything? Something to eat?" she asked.

"I could do with a drink," I replied, hoping it might do something for the dryness in my throat.

"I'll get it," Keleon responded quickly, and was already exiting the room by the time Mum thanked him.

"Your friend has barely left this room since we boarded," said Mum in a soft voice once he'd disappeared from view. "I think he likes you."

I smiled weakly.

"We're not just friends, Mum."

She smiled back.

"I suspected as much. I'm pleased for you. He seems nice."

"He is."

"And a Vacillator?"

"Yeah. I always thought they were a myth."

"It's very rare to come across one, which is why many people don't believe they even exist. Most Vacillators never leave their planet," she explained.

"He's different."

"He's hot."


"Don't tell me you hadn't noticed?" she teased with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Oh my God." I rolled my face into part of the pillow and pulled the remaining bit up to cover the rest of my face, which I could feel changing colour.

"Seriously though, I know what it's like to be involved with someone from a different species."

Keleon re-entered the room with a bottle of water. He sat at the end of the bed and passed it to me. I thanked him, and he rested his hand on my leg near my ankle. I was grateful for the contact.

"I used to be part of a research team, specialising in extra-terrestrial life," Mum continued as I sipped my water. "The last research assignment I was given was to a planet called Aderyn, on the far side of the galaxy. The Aderyn people were able to fly, or at least it looks like flying to humans. They're born with an innate ability to alter gravitational strength in their immediate vicinity. I was assigned to bring back a blood sample from one of the inhabitants for trials in genetic modification in humans.

"They were a peaceful people and very welcoming to us. It was our first contact with this species, other than remote communications to set up an introduction, and their hospitality was extraordinary. We couldn't have asked to be treated any better. We asked if we might kindly take a blood sample home with us, but they didn't believe in genetic modification and refused. The offered many other things - food, spices, gemstones - as gifts, but they would not allow us to take their blood.

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