Chapter 20 - The Anger

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What the hell was Keleon thinking?

Why had he shifted to look like me, instead of one of the G.I.A personnel? Why wasn't he making them believe they'd made a mistake and cuffed one of their own? Was he trying to get captured?

Of course, I partly knew the answer. Keleon wasn't thinking. And that was part of the problem with this entire situation. Whether or not he looked like my identical twin wasn't within his control.

"It's Damon," the female said, talking about Keleon and assuming it was me.

"It certainly looks that way," agreed the male. "But we need to be sure. Until we have proof, we need to stop the others leaving. Get a blood test done on him. Right now. Everyone else needs to prioritise detaining the others until we're certain it's him."

I went rigid and a cold shiver ran through my core. Didn't they know that forcibly removing part of him while he was still touching the gold would kill him? Perhaps that part wasn't common knowledge?

I stared at him intractably through the darkness.

Tell them Keleon.

He was being patted down, presumably to see whether he had weapons on his person. They took the remaining smoke grenades.

Why wasn't he telling them that he wasn't really me?

The G.I.A. lady started guiding him towards the northern entrance. Helplessly, I watched the events unfold, powerless to stop them.

No, no, no! Don't let them do this. Just tell them the truth!

But Keleon wasn't speaking as they marched him across the lab. Three silhouettes aimed for the southern entrance, presumably aiming to block us off if we tried to leave.

A dozen thoughts flashed through my mind in a single instant. Nobody was supposed to get seriously hurt. On either side. Now Keleon's life was in danger. Because of me. He didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve this either. I'd already lost three years of my life to these people under false pretences, and I didn't want to lose anything else to them. Especially not Keleon.

I silently begged them to stop.

They didn't.

Shock and helplessness started turning to anger. They'd stolen three years of my life, and now they were stealing my boyfriend.

A low, now familiar, rumble could be heard through the building. Some of the G.I.A. personnel looked around, confused and concerned.

These same people had invaded my body, taken my blood, and not told me the truth about why. Anger turned to fury. They'd lied to me, tricked me.

Rage bubbled just beneath the surface of my skin. Loose items around the lab started shaking. Glass smashing against the floor caused some of the figures to look in the direction of the sound. Some were still looking warily around the room.

They'd lied to my family. They'd circumvented the legal system.

My jaw clenched, and I removed my hand from Mum's as I could feel them both turning to fists. Dust fell as plaster cracked the ceiling, followed by larger pieces of gypsum as the rumble deepened in line with my mood. Walls shook and fractured, and one of the windows cracked. People were starting to look a little scared.

They'd confined me. They'd used me for their own benefit. It was all so unfair. And now these same people had Keleon, and whether they knew it or not, they were planning to do something that could result in his death.

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