Chapter 8 - The Rules

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Keleon knocked softly on the door to Mia's storage room.

"Come in," she called in a cheerful voice.

I felt a knot in my stomach as we entered. I'd only met Mia today, and had no idea how she'd react to any of this. I wondered how Keleon was feeling. I gently squeezed his hand in encouragement, which I'd been holding since he took it when I offered it to him. We had to do this; it wasn't fair to Mia otherwise.

Keleon opened the door and entered first, I followed him and closed it behind me with my free hand. Mia looked like she was sorting various tools into boxes, but she stopped and turned to face us with a smile.

"Can I talk to you?" Keleon asked Mia.

"Of course, Keleon. What's on your mind?" 

As she spoke, her gaze drifted to out interlocked hands and she raised one of her eyebrows a fraction.

"I think I owe you an apology," Keleon started.

Mia lifted her index finger in the air.

"Stop," she commanded. "Let me guess. Damon kissed you but you didn't fully understand the context. You then kissed me, because you were left with the message that that would be an appropriate way of displaying your affection for me too. Now you've found out it's not appropriate, and you're about to apologise in case I've taken it the wrong way." She paused. "How close am I?"

She was smiling broadly and looking between Keleon and me.

"I would call that pretty accurate," I confirmed, raising an eyebrow of my own.

"How did you know?" asked Keleon.

"Oh, sweetheart, how long have we known each other?" Mia laughed softly. "I love you to pieces, but I'm in the least bit interested in pursuing anything romantic with you. And I know you don't feel like that about me, or it would have happened before now. Besides, I know you. I know how you might interpret experiences that are new for you and that you may take certain things out of context until it's explained." She paused again. "Also, there are other clues. Like, you've never shown any interest in kissing anyone before, although I appreciate we don't get many opportunities when we're travelling." She nodded towards our hands. "But then you walk in holding hands with Damon? Now it's clear where your sudden compulsion to kiss has come from."

"Why didn't you say something when I kissed you?" asked Keleon curiously.

"Because I didn't feel like it was my place." She took his free hand in hers. "This is one of those things I believe you kind of have to work out on your own, along with the person you've chosen to be with. You guys have to define your relationship, not me." She stopped and looked at me. "I have to say, though, it seems you're a good teacher Damon. It was actually a hell of a kiss. I'm impressed."

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Thanks," I said, laughing.

Mia was actually pretty cool.

"So Keleon," she said, turning back to him. "I assume this means you have a boyfriend now."

"Yeah, it does," he replied, and he sneaked a dimpled smile in my direction. I felt a little giddy hearing him talk about me as his boyfriend to his close friend. Somehow it made it more real. This beautiful, quirky man was confirming out loud that he was mine.

"Then I should congratulate you," she said, beaming at him, "on your new adventure." She kissed him on the cheek. "And you, for taking him on," she winked at me and came to kiss me on the cheek too.

"I like a challenge," I replied, grinning. 

I looked over to Keleon, but he was frowning, and I wasn't sure whether our playful banter had upset him. I squeezed his hand.

"You OK?" I asked, my smile fading as my boyfriend looked at me with a confused expression. Then he looked at Mia.

"You kissed both of us," he stated. His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied us for a few seconds. "And nobody seems to be upset this time."

I couldn't help but find it endearing that he needed this clarified.

"A kiss on the cheek like that is fine," I explained, touching my lips. "It's kissing on the lips that's only for your special person."

There was a pause while he looked between us again.

"Why are there so many rules?" Keleon pouted slightly, seemingly frustrated. "I like the kissing bit, but the rules seem overly complicated."

Mia and I laughed, and his face softened.

"You'll get the hang of it," she replied. He didn't look convinced. "You will, I promise," she assured him. "Listen, the sun will be setting soon. If you take a walk north of the hanger, you'll be near the water which is a great place to see the sunset. If you're interested, that is. I have to finish sorting the maintenance equipment, so I'll see you tomorrow, OK?" Then she winked at me.

Getting the hint, I turned to Keleon.

"Do you fancy a walk?" I asked him. "I'm still on Selenia time, so I'm not that tired yet."

"Yeah, that sounds really nice," said Keleon, as I opened the door to leave. "See you tomorrow, Mia." 

We closed the door behind us and made our way to the main part of the hanger.  

Gravity (Male x Male)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें