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Hoseok pov

He was hostile. It was his default these days.

He kept Rubbing his neck like he was in pain, and he wouldn't tell me what was wrong at all.

He thinks i hate him...

But i don't hate him....its the opposite really.

I sat there for about 20 minutes wallowing in my sadness. Then a thought came into my head. Speak to him

oH gOsH wHy DidNt i tHinK oF thAT

I got up and edged out of the kitchen and into the hallway...

I stared at jisungs door. I frowned looking around. my blood was pounding in my ears. I sighed before knocking. Nothing. Maybe he was asleep. But i heard him moving.


More moving, an then a sniffle.

"Fuck" i whispered, then opening the door impulsively, my regard for his privacy suddenly disappeared.

"Jisung?" His room was pitch black so i fumbled around the wall for the light switch.

He looked at me, he was sat at his desk, giving me a withering look.

"what the hell are you doing" he snapped.
"why are you sitting in the dark"
"why are you here"

He groaned. Impatient when i hadn't even finished my sentence.

"i just wanted to check if you're alright" i said, feeling small. He didn't looked like he'd been crying, but something still wasn't right.

"well as you can see, im unharmed, so you can go now"

There was a silence, an awkward one, where jisung just stared at me, waiting for a response.

"i- um-" i started.
He yawned rather openly.
I bit back a response. He was acting like this on purpose.

"yes hoseok?" he was mocking me. He looked like he was trying not to laugh. It's good to know that im a joke to him

I simply stared, dumb founded.
But i shook my head , clearing my thoughts.

"look, im sorry- i should of listened to you didn't deserve that-" i started, but jisung interrupted, seemingly bored.

"yes i know i didn't" he looked away, staring at a pencil on his desk. I frowned.

"jisung?" i let his name hang tentatively in the air, unsure if i was allowed to even say it.

He looked back at me again, in the eye, always in the eyes.

"you're really easily manipulated. If you could believe yoongi like that, even for second." he snapped, looking me up and down, scrutinising.

He was taking it all out on me, even though i knew i deserved it, i was desperate to get him to have him forgive him, even though it was selfish.

"but you have to see where we're confused- if he's a doctor surely hes making-" i said desperately, yearning for him to look at me with something other than distain. But his glare only became worse.

With a voice full of venom, he shot
"dead men don't make money, hoseok."

I stopped for a moment, processing his words, turning the information over in my head.

"jisung- im so sorry" i reached out to touch his shoulder but he shrugged me off.

He stood up and started pacing.

Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ✩‧₊˚(editing)Where stories live. Discover now