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"mental" hoseok shivered as he got out of the car and stared up at the roller-coaster.

"what else are you gonna do all day? Cry on the teacups?" Jimin snickered, kicking a small mound of snow made by Jungkook as we waited in the quickly dwindling line.
"have an allergic reaction '' Taehyung snickered to himself.

"yes." he snapped, puffing out his chest, but he cast a dark look at the tracks far above him.

As long as I didn't spin, or have some drastic drop, or a high death rate, I believe I was pretty OK with going on whatever this park had.

I do enjoy roller-coasters. However, as long as I can have my feet on some kind of floor. I hate it when your legs are just dangling, it's weird.

Many years ago i went to a popular theme park just like with my whole family. My brothers, being reckless and untamed, decided to drag me onto some sci-fi ride that just had you zoom at high speeds while you hoped and prayed your shoes didn't come off.

The current ride we was generic, jungkook could of built it on minecraft. I suspect an even taller version , though if it was truly Jungkook's design, probably including lava and other eccentric stuff that irl would be a definite safety hazard.

We filled up a whole cart. Hoseok and Joon at the back, Jimin and Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi then finally me and Seokjin placed at the front.

I hadn't blinked in about 2 minutes and the staff member seemed to notice this.

"you'll be fine" he said, he then smiled as he did my seat belt. I nodded going red.

"arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times-" you don't have to tell me twice. I was compressing myself together in fear of my limbs detaching in the middle of the ride.

I squished up against Jin who had his head bowed and was taking deep breaths.

The ride started and I started to consider getting out and falling to my death a safer option.

We were slowly travelling upwards, knots forming in my stomach as they realised there was no way out.

Then for what felt like a split second, the ride stopped. Then as I watched my breath form a white cloud in the cold air, did we plumet.

It was the rushing on my face that made me clamp my eyes tightly shut and then the pit of my stomach started turning in several unnatural directions

I swore at the top of my lungs as we only went upwards, then the dropping feeling again. I was screaming so loudly, I almost dulled out the sounds of the roaring wind that was making my ears numb.

Every time I took a split second break from screaming, all I heard was the wheels on the tracks and the ever continuing shrieks of jin and most prominent, hoseok.

Though he was at the back of the ride, it didn't stop his screams of terror reaching me.

I didn't have time to laugh as we were facing another hill, that we would soon end up plummeting down.

The track was almost just a drop, almost no nice descent, so it felt like I was almost being lifted off my seat.

I was now screaming until my throat was horse, not enjoying the feeling of my stomach being chucked around.

Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ✩‧₊˚(editing)Where stories live. Discover now