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I lay on the floor, my hands pressed over my eyes watching the lights behind my eyelids.

The performance had given me an adrenaline rush that I didn't really like. I mean it was ok for a while, but after a period of time, i couldn't get off the high. My heart was still pounding which was annoying me. It's like when your arm keeps twitching. It feels kinda cool at first but then soon it just gets too irritating and only stops when you hit it really hard.

Covering my eyes while I ignored everything else was actually therapeutic.

"he's been doing that for half an hour." Namjoon said. From how his voice sounded i presumed he was standing over me.

"what being on stage does to a man" jimin yawned, nudging my leg slightly from his chair. "shush he was nervous," Jin said his voice holding a sense of pride.

"i feel sick" I mumbled, curling up into a ball. I felt my stomach start messing up. It felt like it was swirling in all different directions.

"oh jisung i hope your joking?" I heard Yoongi groan , his voice muffled.

I felt suddenly guilty. I didn't respond and i finally opened my eyes

"We have to go and sit down near the stage soon-" Hoseok said, sitting up, looking over at me.

I stood up, avoiding eye contact with him.

I nodded leaving the room just as I felt my stomach take a jab in pain.

"oh, that hurt'' I sighed. I don't know what caused this but it was making my heart beat faster than it already was.

It felt as though my body was heavy, but it felt light at the same time. A shaky feeling you get when you're going to be sick.

"i'm not going to be sick" I snapped while walking to the water fountain. I didn't want to but i did anyway, i drank around 4 cups of water. It didn't make me feel better and i debated for a while weather it did any good.

The members' reactions were understandable and realistic. I was being inconvenient.

I could have kept my mouth shut rather than let them worry.


Why am I on the floor again?

I also don't remember getting here.

I didn't lie down again did i?

What was I doing beforehand?

You were drinking water and thinking. You were the only one in the corridor and you were counting the floor tiles.

I got up and looked around. It then occurred to me that I must have passed out.

"Well that's interesting." I muttered lifting myself off the floor. "my elbow hurts.." I sighed moving it around, only feeling a sharp pain. "Interesting," I yawned while looking around.

Well i must have only been out for a minute, so i don't think i missed anything.

Yet it feels like I've been asleep for hours.

"should probably go back to-" i said to myself but i yawned again.

I wonder why we passed out? I'm not that overworked? If I was, I probably would have known. I drank? Did I eat?
I haven't had a cigarette in a long time ill tell you that- ugh. Longing.

I actually don't remember the last time I ate. That's a problem-

"jisung!" i heard jin running up to me. I turned around, not to quickly because that probably would send me on the floor again.

Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ✩‧₊˚(editing)Where stories live. Discover now