Thank You.

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Words truly cannot express my gratitude or the extremely bittersweet feeling I had when typing the final word of this book on my google doc and transferring it here (':

For a while I was stuck on how to end things and I guess that's because part of me was scared. I wasn't ready for this to end. It was in my sophomore year of high school that I started writing One Night. This was meant to be a one-shot, but once I started writing it out in my notebook I couldn't stop. Before I knew it I had fully outlined ten chapters.

I was writing during class, on the bus or in the car, at the dinner table, anywhere I could. I fell in love with my characters and I just couldn't let them go. During this time I've grown immensely with Sienna, Joseph and Alex, and I still can't believe I'm here today.

The way I CRIED when I wrote the graduation scene, the way I CRIIIIED when I wrote the final scene in Alex's backyard was almost comical in a way. I was an absolute mess with blurry eyes, sobbing all over my keyboard 😂


You all, my incredible readers, new and old. My readers who are loud in the comments and those who read silently. My friends. From the depths of my soul I want to thank you for your continued support, love and enthusiasm on this amazing journey... for being the reason behind my smile on my dark days and for making me smile even wider on my happy days.

You freaking rock. And for you I'll always write.💜

See you soon on the next adventure...

- Kamille (:

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