Chapter Fifteen

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My arm was linked through Alex's as we strolled through the mall after school. "Y'know, I actually missed you," she said.

"Gee, thanks," I replied with a playful roll of my eyes.

"I just meant we've both been so caught up in our own thing that for once, we had time to miss each other."


"So what's the occasion, why are we shopping today? This isn't something you'd willingly do," she said with a small laugh.

"Hey, I  happen to enjoy shopping a lot, I just don't do it often. Anyway, we're here because I need a dress," I replied with a firm shake of my head.

She halted suddenly, tripping me up with her. "W-what did you say? "Why are we shopping today?!"

"For prom."

"Oh my god! What changed your mind??" she screeched, shaking me by the shoulders like a madwoman.

"Easy, easy!" I said, raising my hands. "To answer your question, I've always wanted to go to prom. But as you know, I had to break down the resistance with my mom."


"I've already lost so much time. Joseph is the one who helped bring me to such a realization — that is, after we had a fight about it."

Alex looked at me with wide eyes as I pulled her into a ritzy boutique. "You guys fought? Geez, it really has been a while since we've talked," she commented, making her way to a rack of short dresses as I headed for the longer gowns.

"We made up earlier today. Being away from him hurt me more than I thought it would."

Alex did a double take and I knew I might have slipped up. I hadn't exactly told her about my feelings yet, but before she could think about saying anything on the matter, I hurriedly moved our conversation along.

"But yeah, it was the morning after the family dinner. I accidentally got drunk, and didn't remember too much of what happened the morning after." I pushed through dress after dress, none catching my eye. "Joseph took care of me and explained everything like the perfect gentleman, but instead of being thankful, I freaked out and said he was just 'some guy' whose house I slept at while being drunk off my ass."

I cringed remembering that morning. Remembering Joseph's utterly hopeless face right before I walked out on him.

"Damn. That's cold, Sienna."

"Don't you think I regret it? I did. I do. He was just trying to make me happy, but I messed everything up by getting in my head." I forcefully pushed through the end of the long rack, projecting my frustration on innocent dresses.

"What was it he said that made you all wonky?"

"He basically said I needed to grow up and defend myself. Fight for what makes me happy instead of sabotaging myself, which he couldn't be more right about."

Alex loosened her hold on an orange dress with ruffles and turned, training her eyes on me. I could feel her stare on the side of my head. "It's about time someone told you the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"I've wanted to tell you that for years, but I was afraid you'd get upset and stop seeing me. I just couldn't bear the thought of not being able to eat breakfast at your house every morning."

"Alex Johnson, you are incorrigible," I said, gently shoving her. "I wouldn't have gotten upset. Honestly, with everything that's happened lately, I've grown to appreciate the hard honest truth much more.

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