Chapter Three

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"Mami! Pa! Come down, there's a couple of people I want you to see!"

Joseph dropped his backpack by the door and stepped out of his shoes. Alex and I followed suit and waited for the arrival of his parents. Leaning in, Joseph whispered a few words of encouragement as if sensing my nerves.

"They're chill, no te preocupes." (Don't worry.)

That's when I saw a beautiful woman glide down the long spiraled wooden staircase. Joseph's mother. He inherited her brilliant eyes that widened when she caught sight of Alex and me. Her dark brown hair, which was done into a side braid, flew as she ran over and pulled Alex into a hug.

"Hi Marlene!" Alex exclaimed, returning the hug with vigor. "David, it's good to see you."

I pivoted my head in the direction of the tall man that followed Marlene on the stairs. His eyes were as dark as his hair that was slicked back neatly. He was dressed in black jeans and a casual grey button-down. Joseph's father.

"Now, who is this?" David asked his son while looking at me.

"Yes. Don't be rude, Emmanuel. Introduce us."

Joseph rubbed the back of his neck before turning to me. "I'm sorry, this is Sienna."

Again, I thought to extend my hand for a shake, but I was pulled into a very welcoming hug. I yelped in surprise.

"It's so nice to meet you, Sienna," Joseph's mother sang.

"Hi... it's a pleasure, Mr. and Mrs. —"

I discreetly nudged Joseph with my hip trying to get his attention. He never told me his last name and I started to panic. Hell, I didn't think I'd be meeting anyone's parents today. Thankfully he caught my gaze. In a hushed whisper, told me it was Vasquez. 

"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez."

"Please, you can call me Marlene," Joseph's mother told me with a reassuring smile.

"O-okay, Marlene."

"So, how long have you known Emmanuel?"

"Mami, por favor..." (Mom, please.) Joseph groaned.

She laughed briefly. "I'm so used to calling him by his middle name."

"I think that's adorable," I said, grinning at Joseph before turning my attention back to his mother. "But funny enough, we met today. We're in the same English class."

"Que bueno!" (How nice!) she said excitedly, to her husband. "I'm glad he's already made a friend, and such a pretty one she is!"

"You know, I'm like a foot-and-a-half away," Joseph said.

"Cálmate. (Calm down.) We're just happy to see that you aren't closing yourself off, especially after —"

"We don't have to go there," he interjected.

Marlene made a motion of sealing her lips and throwing away an imaginary key before her bright smile reappeared on her rosy lips. I wondered what that was about.

"If it's alright, we're gonna head upstairs now," Joseph said. "Before my mom smothers us both," he whispered the last part to me.

"Come on, Emmanuel. She isn't so bad," I whispered back.

Joseph was already halfway up the stairs and I quickly followed behind, but he suddenly stopped, looking down below where Alex hadn't spoken a peep since the introduction.

Reaching into the vase at the top of the staircase, he plucked a pink tulip from the water and hurled it in Alex's direction. It hit her square in the forehead.

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