Chapter 6

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I get up and get dressed put on my makeup,I see my aunt she smiled at me. " Are you excited for first day of School?" She asked me. I don't know if I was excited or nervous I looked at her "both" I say as Mary comes with the breakfast. I was not really hungry as all I could think about was last night,I was sad that he had not texted me back about it.

I look at the food I take a bit any way ,my aunt looked at me " are you okay Lily?"she had asked me,I looked at her and told her yeah I was just nervous,she nods and smile. "I will drive you to school today I have the day off so I will do it as well as pick you up"she said to me as I smile and nod.I finish it eating my food as I was done Mary gets my plate and takes in to the kitchen.

I get in to my aunts car as she drives me to school,when I get there I tell her thank you,she smiled at me and drives off,I look around the school and see how big it was.I look at my time table to find my first class. As I looking at it I bumped in to some one I look up who it was and it was Talan. "Talan you go here?" I asked,he looked at me and laughs but it was more of nervous one and dose not say any thing at all  hmm that was odd and he walks away really fast.
I find my drama class and walk in as I do I see Talan,he looked at me and then looks at the students that are walking in I find my seat
As I find my seat I set beside a girl who had brown hair "Hi I'm Sandy"she to me I smile and say I'm Lily as the bell goes I watch Talan,he turns to the class. " Hello Class I'm Mr Jones" he said as he looked at me then back to the class.
Sandy looked at me "oh he is so hot don't you think" she said,I look at her " mm yeah I guess" I said not looking at him.

I.can't believe Talan was my teacher I was lost for words as he was talking I went back to the class was done I rush out I here Mr Jones call my name " Miss Carter can you please stay for bit" he says I look at him and smile,Sandy says she will see me at lunch and leave .

" I did not i know you were in this class" he said looking at me, I look back at him,I wanted to kiss him " yes I'm in this class" I say as I did not know what to say. " I've thought about you Lily" he said as he walks up closer to me " I 've thought about you as well Talan but we can't do this" I said ,it hurt me saying that but he knew as well that it was not right.

" I know it's not but I have thought about and when you bumped in to me .I was shocked to see you and you walking in to my class I knew,I was in trouble." he said

I move closer to him and kiss his cheek. " We can try this" I say moving closer to him.he pulls away from me. "We can't I want to but we can't" he said,I look away from him. I understood and walked away.

I went to my next class that I had,not much about this class I had liked,all I could think about was Talan Jones,as the bell went. It was lunch time finely.I go find Sandy.

I find her " Hey why did Mr Jones want to talk to you in drama" she had asked me, I looked at her as I get my lunch " Oh just say sorry for bumping in to me the hallway this morning" I say to her she smiled and said. We sit down and start eating are lunch.

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