Author's Note

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the sequel of Jenny's Heart!

First off, I would like to state that this is a standalone book. So, you don't have to read Jenny's Heart in order to understand this book.

However, I must ask that those readers who have read the first book do not comment spoilers in this book. Please. I will delete any comments that are too much of a spoiler because I want people to enjoy both books. While yes, some spoilers are inevitable – because it's a sequel – please don't spoil it for new readers. If there is anything that is confusing, information regarding the matter will more than likely come up later in the book, so please be patient.

Another thing is that this is a work of fiction, which means that if I write something that isn't exactly realistic - especially in later chapters - please don't chop off my head. This is a made up story with made up people. I could state that pink is purple in the book and get away with it because it's fiction. So please keep that in mind in later chapters too.

I will try to update once a week on weekends, but I cannot make any promises once university opens up for me again in March.

On another note, I do not permit my work being copied in any way, shape or form. It's a work of fiction so all instances relating to persons living or dead, places, and incidents is completely coincidental.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy the sequel to Jenny's Heart!

Much love

Katelyn Grace

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